Will's Weekly Digest | September 21, 2016
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Get to Know Someone 

In honor of everyone's favorite turncoat, today's digest is dedicated to biographies...of a sort. I bet you knew that Benedict Arnold betrayed the Continental Army, but do you know why? I only learned recently, and so I thought to remember the man synonymous with traitor, that I'd share some biographic reads. 

As always, happy Wednesday and happy reading.

This Day in History

1780 - Benedict Arnold betrays America, meeting with British agents to discuss the surrender of West Point in exchange for money and a British military commission. Arnold had the motives of a different time, much unlike someone like Edward Snowden today. His treachery is an interesting story in its own right, but it also highlights how politics and warfare have changed as well as how they haven't. 

Four Random Dudes

Meet four fellas, four fellas with very different incomes. Learn how they live on what they have (from Esquire). These brief financial sketches of the four random dudes are insightful, and provide a glimpse into the economic inequality in our nation, how it affects the livelihoods of individuals, and how it impacts society as a whole. Plus, don't you really want to know about each of the real people behind those clownish sketches

Walled Off

To many, particularly to many millennials, Hillary Clinton is, in her own words, "walled off" (from Humans of New York). She comes across as calculating and removed, even as those who know her describe her as warm and loving. On numerous previous occasions I have said that I think society's view of Secretary Clinton is tainted by the lens of latent, systemic sexism, but as I reflect on why millennials seem to distrust her, it occurs to me that my generation is so accustomed to sharing every detail of our lives publicly online that an experience like the one Secretary Clinton describes here is totally foreign. Our generation is plugged in and interconnected, so often our personal angst is directed outwards. Not so for a woman of her generation. It is possible that gap costs her the election. 

Who is Fritz Haber?

Someone of whom you've likely never heard, but a man whose inventions helped and harmed the world (from Medium). Haber was a German Jewish scientist responsible for finding a way to make agriculture more productive, helping to feed millions. Then the Great War started, and when the static butchery of industrialized warfare began consuming men's lives at staggering rates Haber turned his mind to designing new weapons that would break the stalemate.

Makes me think of the quote "
with great power comes great responsibility." Humanity possesses the tools to transform the world, whether it is a paradise or a desolate hellhole after the transformation is the question we must all grapple with and contribute to solving. 

A Saint's Legacy

We've all heard of Mother Teresa, but who was she? Recently canonized, Mother Teresa is receiving fresh scrutiny, and some scathing reviews (from Medium). I have read criticisms of her before, but it was a bit surprising to read something this harsh and damning. Of course, this author is just as guilty of presenting only one side of the story as the party she is accusing, the Catholic Church. It's a reminder that stories, history, and even facts are sometimes what we want them or remember them to be. 

Statuesque and Stately

This week, instead of a puppy, here is an ode to dogs everywhere. Man's best friend in whatever form they take, I think it can be stated objectively that the world would be worse without dogs. Next week, the live dogs return, but today I honor all dogs, none of whom would ever betray their humans a la Benedict Arnold. 

Will's Weekly Trivia 

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IF you choose to answer the question, respond to with your answer. Please note that by competing you are giving me permission to publish your first name in the trivia leader board each week.

Last Week:
1. Who was the last 3rd party candidate to win electoral votes (HINT: it was NOT Ross Perot)? ONE POINT
2. In 2000, which state held a week's long recount that was finally called off by the Supreme Court? ONE POINT
3. What day is election day? ONE POINT

1. The last 3rd party candidate to win electoral votes was George Wallace running for the American Independent Party in 1968. He won 45 electoral votes. 
2. The 2000 recount was held in Florida.
3. Election day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 

This Week:
1. Why did Benedict Arnold attempt to surrender West Point to the British? ONE POINT
2. What was Fritz Haber's most lethal creation? ONE POINT
3. In which MODERN nation was Mother Teresa born (HINT: It was part of the Ottoman Empire when she was born)? ONE POINT

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