Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That's its balance.

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agree to disagree

[debates + beyond]

Politics in the media have never really interested me. I have a bit of an aversion to things that feel tense or dramatic to me, or that seem as though they stem from fear and competition. As such, I respectfully bowed out of paying close attention up until the 2008 election.

A few months ago on a flight to California, I watched one of our Presidential nominees on the Today show with family by their side and found myself silently lashing out the same hateful, combative comments I claim to happily unidentify with.

Thanks to yoga, I have learned what it means to literally check yourself before you wreck yourself, so I shut down the peanut gallery comments and experimented with watching the remainder of the interview with a more open mind. 

The result was interesting: instead of frustration and panic, I felt compassion in the form of hope. I hoped for the most beneficial outcome not only for our country, but for the nominee and supporters I strongly disagreed with. I noticed we were all passionate about things like the wellbeing of our nation, even though we might express that passion very differently.

I hoped that we could all return to the sense of peace we are born with; that we might act from a place of clear, whole hearted discernment instead of unclear influence and ego, whatever the circumstances.

This does not mean checking out and being completely passive, shunning the need vote, letting the world do whatever it wants to do, and saying good bye and good riddance. It does mean taking responsibility for our thoughts and desires, and how that dictates our re/actions. Watching that interview without letting the devil on my shoulder spit expletives at the screen actually made me a better listener; it helped me put my thoughts together on my personal stance, values and goals.

The practice of listening with a less biased perception made me recognize similarities like the resilience for what we believe to be true, even if I was not privy to what the other person believed in. In a weird way, I found commonalities in our differences, much like discovering a shared trait in a person we might not get along with, and it felt so much better than ranting about it all.

Click here to read the full post, including what it means to me to consider agreeing to disagree without judgement or combat, and to check in with ourselves first.

Haters gonna hate, debaters gonna debate, I know many of us just wanna shake it off by word vomiting on each other on social media until one of us is proven "right." Hold your own; agree to disagree. All is well.

What values do you identify with or against, and how can you use that to hold your own in a way that reflects how you truly feel, whether you agree or disagree with someone else?

Read on for a clean ice cream recipe [I think we can all agree that healthy food does not have to suck], Breakti workshops in NY and California!, my Costa Rica retreat in February!, good music and more.

Photo: Renee Choi.

recipe: blueberry coconut milk ice cream

Because a few of my lovely lady friends and I were immersed in inspiring conversation in our recent picnic [whether or not we agreed on our own personal and shared insights], we missed out on catching a photo of my well-received ice cream. Fortunately I do still have a recipe, and am so please with the results.

Delicious, healthy ingredients with good fats [coconut milk] and antioxidants [blueberries].

Click here for the recipe and let me know what you think!


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Running Through The Fields

mindful morning

My recent post on MindBodyGreen offers 6 ways to have a mindful morning inspired by yoga, from actually practicing yoga to simply taking time to chew your food and hydrate after waking.

Click here to read the article, and enjoy your morning!

asana + breakdance

Sun Oct 2nd | 1:30-3:30 pm at YogaWorks Soho
Sat Nov 19th | 2-4 pm at Powerflow NJ
Sun Dec 4th | 1-3:30 pm at Laughing Lotus SF!

Explore the comparison between yoga and breakdance via thoughtful alignment principles.

Click here to register for a workshop near you!

palm springs retreat

Oct 27-30, 2016

Pilates, body burn cardioyoga and a wellness workshop, clean eatsrituals under the stars, all in good company.

Click here to register, 2 SPOTS LEFT!

costa rica retreat

Feb 18-25, 2017

Meditation, yoga, excursions, 7 nights at our retreat center, fresh meals, short walk to the beach and gorgeous poolside lounge.

Click here to register and receive $100 off if you book by October 31st!


Weekly classes in NYC + BK:

M | 8:45-10 am yoga + meditation at Primary

M/W | hip hop yoga 5:15-6:15 pm at YogaWorks

T | vinyasa 9:30-10:30 am at Lucent Yoga

T | flow 12-1:05 pm at Yoga Vida Dumbo *NEW

T | flow 3:30-4:35 pm at Yoga Vida Dumbo *NEW

TR | flow 3-4 / restore 4:15-5:15 pm at Primary

SUN | vinyasa 11 am-12:15 pm at SYNC Studio

SUN | vinyasa 2 4:15-5:15 pm at YogaWorks BK

*Now subbing at Kula Yoga Project.

Check Facebook for schedule updates!

farewell for now...

Digging deep to the root of things can be scary because we often find that, at the heart of our hearts, we are the same. We are humans, siblings, children, employees, family, friends [pictured above: my oldest friends and I kayaking in Catalina - all very different, yet still as close as sisters].

Recognizing our similarities is not always simple when we are trying to disassociate from people we disagree with on many levels, but we can still agree to disagree without accusing or relying on hateful words to prove our point. It starts with our Selves.

Not sure how to move forward and hold your own in a world full of us vs. them? Reach out to me, or consider one-on-one sessions to get clear on your personal needs, goals, and desires.

Spread the wealth, spread the health.

peace, love, and agree to disagree [and vote]
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