Dear <<First Name>>,
Deprescribing is trending all over the news! It's become a hot topic of discussion and we thank our colleagues for bringing deprescribing and the Canadian Deprescribing Network (CaDeN) to the media.
In this fall newsletter, we share all the important deprescribing news and updates. If you haven't subscribed yet to the newsletter, click here.
The Canadian Deprescribing Network Featured in The Wall Street Journal, National Post and Montreal Gazette
Cara Tannenbaum and Barb Farrell discussed deprescribing and CaDeN in The Wall Street Journal, The National Post and The Montreal Gazette. Deprescribing is hot right now!
More is not always better: More drugs mean seniors more likely to land in hospital, says study
National Post, October 12th, 2016; and Montreal Gazette, October 11th, 2016
When Patients Take Too Many Pills, Doctors Deprescribe
Check out the video featuring Cara Tannenbaum.
Wall Street Journal, October 10th, 2016
Hats off to Deprescribing Colleagues Featured in the News:
How 'Deprescribing' Could Change Your Medical Routine
wbur 90.9, October 18th, 2016
Barb Farrell and colleagues discussed deprescribing on the live program, On Point, on National Public Radio (NPR).
Deprescribing as Important as Prescribing
Ottawa Citizen, October 1st, 2016
Barb Farrell talks about the deprescribing guidelines and the work of the Bruyère Research Institute and CaDeN.
New Canadian Network Tackles Overprescribing
CMAJ, September 14th, 2016
Cara Tannenbaum and Barb Farrell discuss CaDeN and ongoing research and initiatives that are helping curb risky prescription drug use among seniors.
Insomnia in the Hospital—Not Just a Bad Dream
JAMA Internal Medicine, September 2016
MDs at the McGill Department of Medicine, including CaDeN colleagues Todd Lee and Emily McDonald, present a case study about an 80-year-old man who is prescribed an antipsychotic for insomnia. Find out what happens.
‘America’s other drug problem’: Giving the elderly too many prescriptions
Washington Post, August 15th, 2016
Pharmacist Dominick Bailey and Dr. Maristela Garcia of the UCLA Medical Center discuss "America's other drug problem": polypharmacy among seniors.
Older patients sometimes need to get off their meds, but it can be a struggle
Washington Post, August 1st, 2016
Dr. Ravi Parikh describes his experiences with deprescribing, side-effects and drug interactions amongst seniors, as well as the need for increased public awareness.
Multiple medications are a problem for seniors. Here’s how to reduce the risks
Globe and Mail, July 27th, 2016, and Your Health Matters, July 18th, 2016
Paul Taylor of Sunnybrook Hospital tackles a question about seniors, polypharmacy and side effects.
Doctor's notes: Sleeping Pills aren’t the only answer
Toronto Star, June 13th, 2016
Dr. Kimberley Wintemute of the University of Toronto and Choosing Wisely Canada addresses some of the most common questions about sleep with social worker Emelyn Barlett and pharmacist Eric Lui.
New Study Shows High Cost of Risky Meds for Canadians
Steve Morgan, Cara Tannenbaum and colleagues recently published a new study on the frequency and cost of inappropriate prescribing in Canadian seniors. The key findings below outline the shockingly high rates and costs of inappropriate prescribing.
Did you know?
- 37% of older people filled 1 or more potentially inappropriate prescription.
- $419 million per year: Estimated public spending on potentially harmful prescriptions outside of a hospital setting.
- $1.4 billion per year: Estimated indirect health care costs due to harmful medication effects such as fainting, falls, fractures and hospitalizations.
The study received important press coverage:
Are You an Effective Deprescriber?
Catch the next Choosing Wisely Talk to find out! Cara Tannenbaum, Scientific Director of CaDeN and Professor of Medicine and Pharmacy at Université de Montréal is the featured speaker for the upcoming webinar scheduled on November 3rd from 12-1 pm.
Dr. Tannenbaum will share tools and highlight lessons learned through research and clinical experience in order to help doctors convince patients to deprescribe. Click here for more information.
Communications Director Hired!
CaDeN has a new team member! Annie Webb started working with CaDeN on September 6th at the Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM) in Montreal with Cara Tannenbaum's team. She has both a science and a fine arts background and was previously employed as the communications manager of a research network focused on biofuels. Feel free to reach out to Annie for any CaDeN communications questions.
Check out These New Infographics
CaDeN recently released new infographics representing recent data on risky prescriptions and deprescribing. They were presented at the National Pensioners Federation Convention on September 29th in Richmond, BC. The Minister of Health, The Honourable Jane Philpott, also received a copy from CaDeN. Click here to brush up on your deprescribing facts and figures!
2016 NAPCRG Annual Meeting (see Workshop 18: Developing an Evidence-based Deprescribing Guideline: A ‘How-To’ Workshop). November 12th-16th, 2016. Colorado Springs, CO
Choosing Wisely Canada National Meeting hosted by Choosing Wisely Alberta. February 27th, 2017. Calgary, AB
2017 CADTH Symposium. April 23rd-25th, 2017. Ottawa, ON
American Geriatrics Society Scientific Meeting. May 18th-20th, 2017. San Antonio, TX
2017 Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference. August 17th-19th, 2017, Quebec City, QC
The feasibility and effect of deprescribing in older adults on mortality and health: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
September 2016, Br J Clin Pharmacol.
This meta-analysis reviews 132 papers and 34 143 participants to determine whether or not deprescribing is a safe, effective and feasible intervention to modify mortality and health outcomes in older adults. The nonrandomized data suggests that deprescribing significantly reduces mortality. However, this was not statistically significant in the randomized studies.
Off-label Use of Quetiapine in Medical Inpatients and Postdischarge
September 2016, JAMA Intern Med.
Todd Lee, Emily McDonald and colleagues tackle off-label use of antipsychotic medication quetiapine for sleep. They describe quetiapine use in a prospective cohort of medical inpatients and the proportion of in-hospital use that is perpetuated on discharge.
Community-dwelling older people’s attitudes towards deprescribing in Canada
August 2016, Res Social Adm Pharm.
This study demonstrates that seniors are eager to undertake deprescribing. Half of the participants indicated that they would like to reduce the number of medications and 71% reported that they would be willing to deprescribe if their doctor said it was possible.
Methodology for Developing Deprescribing Guidelines: Using Evidence and GRADE to Guide Recommendations for Deprescribing
August 2016, PLoS 1
Barb Farrell and colleagues developed robust methodology to create deprescribing guidelines using evidence-based methods.
Impact of strategies to reduce polypharmacy on clinically relevant endpoints: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
May 2016, Br J Clin Pharmacol.
The meta-analysis including 25 studies and 10 980 participants found no convincing evidence that the strategies assessed are effective in reducing polypharmacy.
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