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October 5, 2016  -  Issue #36

Self Care Is Essential To Working Happy

Cars need fuel to run. Humans need energy. How can you assure that you have the energy you need to fuel your life? By practicing self-care.
Self-care involves your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. You can’t leave one of them out and achieve balance. 
Putting yourself first doesn’t always come naturally. You can find yourself responding first to the demands or needs of others, to your own detriment. Take the example of airplane oxygen. When flight attendants go through the safety instructions before take-off, they remind parents to put their oxygen masks on first so they can best take care of their children. A parent’s instinct may be to immediately set up their child’s oxygen. However, if they cannot breathe, how can they help their child to?
Here are some ways in which you can practice self-care:
  • Take 15 minutes a day to be by yourself, without any demands on you during that time
  • Create a self-nurturing plan where each week you do one thing each to nurture your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. It can be something that doesn’t take much time.
  • Each month, eliminate one energy drain from your life, small or large.
  • Identify what fuels you in your life and make sure you honor those things.
  • Acknowledge yourself often for all that you do!
When you practice self-care you have what you need to function well. Once you do, you will see your life begin to have ease and flow. Start today to practice self-care!

Email me if you'd like to go further with this. I’m happy to help you get started!

photo: Ben_Kerckx,
Let's Talk
What's Up For You?

We love answering your questions on your journey to working happy!

Q: I am tired of the lack of authenticity that pervades my workplace. We are told one thing by management and consistently see them doing the opposite. It as if they are sugar coating their destructive actions to make them palatable to us or to make themselves feel better. Why can’t they just tell the truth?

A: This is a universal question and one that I have heard asked, and have asked myself, many times before. One way that I have dealt with similar situations is to spend some time observing, to see if I can figure out their reasons for doing what they do. Then, I let people’s actions speak for them, rather than their words. Doing this reveals a lot. If management says they care about their people as much as they do for their bottom line and then they do something in complete disregard of their people, that says a lot. It is like the proverb actions speak louder than words.
Once you have a sense of what is really going on and are no longer assuming their words are their truth, you will find a way to deal with it. You may want to speak truth to power, but the most important thing is to speak truth to yourself about what is going on in your workplace. 

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Contact Working Happy
  • Slowing down can make you more efficient and productive.
  • Are things or people in your life crowding out your happiness? See my blog post Happiness
  • Take one day this month just to have fun.
Time Exercise
Part of self care is being realistic about the time that you have to do things. I created an exercise that allows you to look at how you are spending your time. Download it here!

Let nature inform you about personal transformation! My e book Chrysalis: Personal Transformation From The Inside Out uses the metaphor of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly as a guide for creating change in your life. You can download a free copy here!

Take Charge of Your Career

 Let a Take Charge of Your Career Circle support you in taking a leap towards Working Happy!  A new circle is starting in early October. 
More Info: Click Here

The Manager's Hub Blog

The Managers Hub offers opinions, resources, creative ideas and tools relating to the art of managing.
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Meet Ann Vanino
“Ann supported my choices with a depth of caring, yet maintained an objectivity, that allowed me to experience the results of those choices in a non-judgmental atmosphere.”
Ann is a career and new directions coach whose passion is supporting people as they create the life they want to live and working in organizations to increase managers’ skills and self-confidence. Ann’s journey has taken her from a childhood in New York City, to an environmental career working for government in Washington DC and New York City, working in the private sector and founding her own business in Los Angeles. Subsequently, Ann embarked on a second career as a coach and now lives in the High Mojave Desert of southern California, where she continues her coaching and is inspired every day by the solitude, beauty and silence of the desert and mountains that surround her.

Ann is the author of four books: Chrysalis: Personal Transformation From The Inside Out, Power Stories, Leadership On Trial and Coaching Corner Volume 1. Visit her at
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Ann Vanino Coaching
PO Box 721461
Pinon Hills, CA 92372-1461

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