16%, 19% and 48% staggering statistics. Empowering youth.
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"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."  Franklin D. Roosevelt
Uganda is one of the youngest nations in the world, in 2015 48% of Uganda's population was under the age of 15 years old. Comparatively in 2015, 16% of Canada's and 19% of America's populations were under the age of 15. Erasmus was quoted to say that "the main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth". Radiant Francis, in the picture above, personifies this hope.

Thanks to you our partners Francis has started her last semester at teachers college this month. Next year we are looking forward to hiring her to be a teacher at our own primary school. When Francis finished high school we didn't have funding for her to go to College so she volunteered at the Our Village school for a year. She taught our kids that they have a testimony and she would share her own powerful testimony with them. The children look up to her and the hope she has is contagious as the children dream that one day they could grow up to be like her. Having positive role models who look like you and who come from where you come from is so important. 

Ugandan is rich with youth and imagine if these youth were empowered by a loving community and also given the chance to receive further education. We can imagine it, it looks like Francis.

Thank you for being a part of our loving community.
The next school year starts at the beginning of February. We have  14 youth that will be ready to go onto College or other trades programs. We will also have 13 youth finishing at our primary (elementary) school and ready to go onto secondary (High) school, as well as all of the secondary students we are already partnering with to continue going to school.

At Our Village, like parents and communities every where in the world, we often dream of what the future will hold for our youth. We believe that if we empower, educate and equip our youth that they will grow up to do the same with their own children and communities. Now, isn't that beautiful to imagine. We are already seeing this dream come true  through Francis. 

Would you join us as we:
1. Pray for Uganda's youth. In this incredibly young country the next generation is undoubtedly going to make a big impact. We pray that they would be brave men and women with integrity and faith that will transform communities. That they would be a generation that brings restoration in Jesus name.

2. Partner with us financially on a monthly basis or make a one time donation to help us prepare and plan for our youth. DONATE HERE
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