The Institute's weekly e-news - 26 Sep.
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Institute News

From the CEO


As the weather starts warming up across the country, temperatures are also increasing in anticipation of the National Architecture Awards. This year the winners will be announced on 3 November at the Ivy Ballroom in Sydney. Last week we shared the national jury’s shortlist  which featured an incredible array of projects that respond to varying constraints, challenges and briefs.

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From the Chapter President

Last Wednesday, I attended a small business round table at Parliament House representing the Institute in a large group of industry associations. It was hosted by Minister Martin Hamilton Smith in his capacity as Minister for Small Business and State Development
We had briefings from Treasurer Koutsantonis, Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan and DPC Chief Economist Mark Duffy, each of which was followed by a Q&A session.
Two key points came out of the meeting:
Employment Grants: In the last State Budget, the government announced grants of up to $10,000 for each full time equivalent position created by businesses in South Australia. See here for details. If you are taking on staff, this is worth looking into
Innovation Initiatives: Grants are available for businesses who are initiating innovative ideas. I asked the Treasurer whether these are mainly product focussed, or whether they are available to those of us in the services sector and he confirmed that he saw them as being available to support innovative services businesses. There are also grants available to assist in working with the universities in developing initiatives. This ties into the practice/university research forum we held a few weeks ago
If you think you might be able to access either of these, follow the link above or check out the State Government websites.

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ArchiEd 2016 - Call out to Members

The AIA SA Chapter is looking for interested members to be involved with the new ArchiEd 2016 – Architects Presenting in Schools Program.

The Program aims to connect architects with students in schools in order to further strengthen the message about the value of good design and how this can enhance the spaces and communities in which we live, work and learn.

We are looking for members interested in presenting in schools during October 2016.

The SA Chapter is developing a template presentation to assist with sending the message about design to students of all ages and hopes to set up a series of presentations in different schools in SA. 

Presentations will provide students with information about design and architecture, inspiring students who are thinking about a career in architecture and also encouraging students to look at their environment in new and exciting ways. 

Could you use a connection with a school through family or work to arrange an ArchiEd presentation?

We would love to hear from you.

Email - to get involved.

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New Continuum Course Available: The Architecture of Zero Emissions Housing

The world faces an urgent challenge in creating a living future that is 'culturally rich, socially just and ecologically restorative'. In this seminar Caroline Pidcock addresses the leading approaches to zero emission housing around the world and how this could affect Australian directions in the future. 
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What's On

Alex Kindlen Lecture 

7 October 12-2 pm
The Forum, Jeffrey Smart Building Uni of SA, City West Campus

As part of the Jack Hobbs McConnell Travelling Fellowship in Architecture 2016, Alex is going to be discussing his explorations throughout a palette of architectural environments in Europe from densely urban to ephemeral event to uninhabited landscape - and the opportunities they might reveal here in Adelaide.

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ARM Gold Medal Talk

4 October 5:30-7.30pm
Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre, North Terrace

The SA Chapter is proud to present recipients of the Australian Institute of Architect's highest individual architectural honour, the Gold Medal.  Howard Raggatt and Ian McDougall, founding directors of Ashton Raggatt McDougall, better known simply as ARM will discuss the  practice that has been a genuine leader,  provocateur and disseminator of ideas for nearly three decades.

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Contact us

South Australian Chapter
100 Flinders Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

08 8402 5900
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