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Our First Workshop: sketchnoting!

Hey <<First Name>>,

We’re happy to announce that the first Girl Geek Dinner Workshop is a fact! October 5th we will have a workshop about sketchnoting by Linda van der Pal. The workshop starts at 7, includes pizza and is just 10 euros. We hope to see you there!

Sketchnoting? What's that?

You may have seen them at conferences: the professional artists who turn presentations into these huge, awesome graphical artworks. But also the people who sit quietly with a notebook and some colorful pens who just make colorful notes with fancy pictures for themselves. You might even have envied them, thinking ‘I wish I could do something like that’. Well the good news is: you can! No drawing skills required! Come to our session with a notebook and a pen, and you’ll learn all about sketchnoting, why it’s done and why you should too, how it’s works, and more. After this session, your notes will never be the same again.

When and where... and who!

The workshop will be held October 5th at Rockstart in Amsterdam. The workshop will cost €10, which will go towards the cost of the food (we are a non-profit organization). As for our speaker, Linda van der Pal is Java developer at Finalist, the founder of Duchess (a network for female Java developers), Java Champion, co-organizer of the Dutch Devoxx4kids events and an active member of the Java community in general. She’s also an Agile enthusiast and visits many conferences about both Java and Agile.

Registration is now open here!


your fellow girl geeks at Girl Geek Dinner NL

p.s. if you have any questions or want to cancel after all, please e-mail us at!
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