How To Age-Proof Your Muscles - Part 3

3 Plank Variations to Build a Stronger Core

by Jamie Page, CPT

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With everything that you've got going on in your life, taking time to tighten your core is probably not a high priority.

But did you know that it's not just about having tight abs and a flat stomach?  Strengthening your core can also prevent or alleviate low back pain.

An easy way to incorporate core strengthening into your exercise routine is to work the following 3 plank variations into your routine.

As with other exercises, be sure to warm up. When performing specific exercises, keep your back straight, avoid locking your knees, and breathe properly.

#1 - Front plank on elbows or straight arms.  Goal - 1 minute every day

Position on hand and knees. Then straighten your legs behind you so you are in a push-up position. Make sure your neck, upper back and hips are in a straight line. Breathe normally.  Hold position for one minute - even 10 seconds is great when just starting (daily).

As you get tired, your hips will want to sink lower. You have to stop them so you don't put excessive pressure on your lower back. If your body starts shaking, continue breathing and try to relax. Relaxing while your muscles are under tension is not easy, but it is a good practice for life.

If you feel discomfort or pain in your wrists, perform the plank on your elbows instead.

#2 - Plank with Opposite Arm and Leg Lift.  Goal - 20 times every day

When the simple plank is not challenging anymore, you can add difficulty by simultaneously lifting one arm and the opposite leg off the ground.

Position on hand and knees. Then straighten your legs behind you so you are in a push-up position. Make sure your neck, upper back and hips are in a straight line.

Now staying balanced, breathe in and lift your both limbs up, parallel to the ground. Keep them straight and try to elongate your body as much as possible. Hold the top position for two seconds. If you lose your balance temporarily, try to regain it before you switch sides in a controlled manner. Repeat slowly 20 times.


#3 - Plank on Stability Ball.  Goal - 1 minute every day

Ready for even more challenge?  Kneel on the floor with the ball at arm's length in front of you. Lean forward and place your forearms on top of the ball with your hands together so your body forms a diagonal line from head to knees.

Tuck your toes, lift your knees, and straighten your legs so you are balancing on your forearms and the balls of your feet. Hold for up to 1 minute. (Move your feet apart to make this move easier, if needed.) Do one time only.
Are you interested in more than a few new core-strengthening exercises?  Email or call me at (414) 690-5962 today and set up an appointment to come see all the various ways we use resistance to train!

We're here to keep you healthy... and humble. ;-)
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