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RCC News: October 2016

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UQ joins AeRO as its first institutional full member

Australasian eResearch Organisations (AeRO) is excited to announce that the University of Queensland is joining AeRO as its first institutional full member.
AeRO membership enables UQ to work closely with all AeRO members. It will be able to engage, participate in and influence the directions of projects to improve national and collective eResearch capability and infrastructure. AeRO adds the first of many university eResearch organisations to the wide range of providers working towards a joined-up national infrastructure. This step will help to place UQ at the leading edge of delivering new, better supported and more integrated eResearch services to its researchers.
UQ’s significant investments in eResearch are coordinated through RCC. Read more

Prof. David Abramson announced as Chair of eResearch Australasia conference
Past eResearch Australasia Conference co-Chairs Nick Tate (left) and Viviani Paz (right) formally handed over the reins to RCC Director Prof. David Abramson (centre) at the conference in Melbourne last week.

RCC showcases new UQ data fabric at eResearch Australasia Conference

RCC promoted UQ's new data storage fabric MeDiCI (Metropolitan Data and Caching Infrastructure) at this year's eResearch Australasia Conference, held in Melbourne 10–14 October.

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson and collaborator Daniel Richards of Data Direct Networks (DDN) gave a talk at the conference on MeDiCI, which was deployed at UQ early last month. Read more

RCC at the QCIF eResAus2016 booth
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson with the MeDiCI tea towel at the QCIF exhibition booth, which RCC was represented at the eResearch Australasia Conference.

Brisbane HealthHack winners join fight against superbugs

With growing fears globally about antibiotic resistance, the winners of this year’s Brisbane HealthHack have created a badly needed tool.
Team ‘Super Friends Against Super Bugs’ developed an app’ for real-time tracking of antibiotic resistant bacteria during the RCC co-sponsored data hack weekend across 14–16 October. Read more

The winning team of Brisbane HealthHack 2016
The winning Brisbane HealthHack 2016 team ‘Super Friends Against Super Bugs’ featuring L–R: Alan Robertson, Miranda Pitt, Jake Parker (the latter three are from IMB), Jasek Sokolowski and Jasek Serafinski.

All participants at Brisbane HealthHack 2016
About 70 people participated in this year's Brisbane HealthHack.
(All photos by Dr Nick Hamilton.)

October kicks off monthly Galaxy-qld meetups

A monthly Galaxy-qld meetup at UQ St Lucia was launched on Wednesday, 5 October.
The aim of the meetup is to bring Galaxy-qld users together to discuss problems, solutions and ideas, and learn about new tools and resources on the server. It is hoped the meetups will result in collaborations between researchers. Read more
Galaxy-qld users meetup
Attendees at the first Galaxy-qld meetup at UQ St Lucia.
(Photo by Dr Nick Hamilton.)

CLIMB UK adopts Australia’s Genomics Virtual Lab


A UK bioinformatics project has adopted Australia’s Genomics Virtual Laboratory, delivering UK researchers a reliable turn-key bioinformatics analysis platform.
The CLIMB project (Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics) has implemented a microbial version of the GVL (microGVL). Read more

Don't miss the last two seminars in the RCC/MURPA series

There are just two seminars left in the 2016 RCC/MURPA (Monash Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad) seminar series, which this year has focused on women in technology.

Kate Keahey, a computer scientist from the U.S. Argonne National Laboratory at the University of Chicago will present a talk on Friday, 28 October on Chameleon, a large-scale experimental platform for cloud computing.

Prof. Mary Hall, from the University of Utah's School of Computing, will close the seminar series on 4 November with her talk on the role of compiler technology in achieving very high levels of computer performance.

Visit the RCC/MURPA Seminars webpage for further information.

Kate Keahey
Kate Keahey

All researchers welcome to attend Gaussian workshop in Perth

Gaussian logoThe University of Western Australia in Perth is hosting a workshop on Gaussian, a software application for quantum chemistry, in early December. Researchers at all levels from academia and industry are welcome to attend.
Gaussian, Inc. is co-hosting the "Introduction to Gaussian: Theory and Practice" workshop from Saturday to Wednesday, 3–7 December.
Full details including registration information are available on Gaussian’s website. The registration fee must be received by Friday, 28 October. Read more

New Systems Engineer in tune with QRIScloud

Brett MilfordBrett Milford, a trombonist and former casual performer with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, has joined RCC as a QRIScloud Systems Engineer.
Brett (pictured), who joined the team last month, has a Bachelor of Music (Hons) from the Queensland Conservatorium and is currently studying a Masters of Computing Technology extramurally with USQ.
He has worked for the last five years in UQ’s ITS division in various roles, including as a Service Desk Analyst providing remote support to researchers and as a Network Assistant where he supported changes to UQ network infrastructure. Read more

RCC Director visits the world's fastest supercomputers in China

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson gave two keynote speeches in Taiwan in September and attended special workshops in China with the teams that built the world’s top two fastest supercomputers.
Prof. Abramson attended the IEEE Cluster 2016 conference in Taipei, Taiwan, where he gave two keynote addresses: one entitled “Caches All the Way Down: Infrastructure for Data Science”, the other entitled “It’s not my Fault: Finding Errors in Parallel Programs.” Read more
Prof. David Abramson
Prof. David Abramson with the fastest supercomputer in the world, the Sunway TauhuLight in Wuxi, China.

RCC Director presents play on the darker side of academia

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson is adding another job title to his career — that of playwright.
All are welcome to attend the free, staged reading of Prof. Abramson’s play “Purely Academic” at the Geoffrey Rush Drama Studio at UQ, St Lucia, Monday, 7 November, 5pm–9pm. Read more

'Purely Academic' cast
The “Purely Academic” cast with RCC Director/playwright Prof. David Abramson (fifth from left and right), and Dr Nick Hamilton, (third from right), of RCC, QCIF and IMB.

RCC Research Fellow becomes first MURPA student to complete PhD

Hoang NguyenRCC Research Fellow Hoang Nguyen (pictured) is the first former Monash University Research Projects Abroad (MURPA) student to complete his PhD.
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson established MURPA in 2011 when he worked within the university’s Faculty of IT.
Upon moving to UQ and RCC in 2013, Prof. Abramson established QURPA, its UQ equivalent, and broadened the MURPA IT seminar series to include UQ.
Prof. Abramson also brought Hoang to RCC to work on Nimrod and Kepler scientific workflows and science gateways. Read more

Dr Nick Hamilton gives bioinformatics talk at WEHI

RCC/IMB/QCIF eResearch Analyst Dr Nick Hamilton (pictured below) gave an invited talk on Tuesday, 13 September as part of the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research’s bioinformatics seminar series. Read more

Dr Nick Hamilton at WEHI

Call for volunteers for ResBaz 2017

UQ's St Lucia Campus will host next year’s Brisbane Research Bazaar (ResBaz), 7–9 February, and its organisers are calling for ResBaz logovolunteers.
Volunteers are required to help organise ResBaz 2017 and run events, suggest activities, run stalls on the 'festival' day, do lightning talks and more. Register your interest by filling out this form

Registration for ResBaz will open soon.

Attended a Software Carpentry workshop? Please provide feedback for research

If you have ever attended a Software Carpentry workshop, please provide your feedback here (it should take just 5–10 minutes).
RCC/QCIF eResearch Analyst Team Leader Belinda Weaver is surveying workshop attendees for her UQ Master of Philosophy research on 'Investigating the efficacy and usefulness of Software Carpentry training for researchers'.

RCC events in pictures...

From fighting wildfires to helping patients

Dr Ilkay Altintas' RCC/MURPA seminar
Dr Ilkay Altintas, Chief Data Science Officer at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, gave a RCC/MURPA seminar on Friday, 23 September about analysing Big Data using scientific workflows. She gave examples of applications from fighting wildfires to helping patients. View the seminar video.


QRIScloud Service Desk Manager a regular at
Hacky Hour UQ

Hacky Hour St Lucia
QCIF's Stephen Crawley (pictured above right with PhD student Elise Kenny), is QRIScloud's Support Service Desk Manager. Stephen is a regular helper at the Hacky Hour UQ weekly meetups. QRIScloud is a large-scale cloud computing and data storage service for researchers. Hacky Hour UQ is held weekly on Tuesdays, 3–4pm at Cafe Nano on the St Lucia Campus. Follow @HackyHourStLuc on Twitter, and the Hacky Hour UQ blog, for updates.

Hacky Hour
All photos by Dr Nick Hamilton, RCC/QCIF/IMB
people and technology

What's On

UQ Hacky Hour, every Tuesday, 3–4pm, UQ St Lucia. More info
Chameleon: Building an Experimental Instrument for Computer Science as Application of Cloud Computing, 28 October, UQ St Lucia. More info
The Role of an Autotuning Compiler in Getting to Exascale, 4 November, UQ St Lucia. More info
“Purely Academic”, 7 November, UQ St Lucia. More info
SC16, 13–18 November, Salt Lake City, U.S. More info
Gaussian workshop, 3–7 December, Perth. More info
ResBaz 2017, 7–9 February, UQ St Lucia. More info
Dr Nick's Image Clinic, most Monday mornings, for IMB researchers and held, by Dr Nick Hamilton, at IMB.

Full RCC seminar series schedule
(click here)

View videos from the 2016 / 2015 seminar series:

2015 RCC seminar series videos on YouTube

All RCC events

Subscribe: RCC Seminar Alerts

people and technology


New push for data sharing
Nature’s new research data policy now requires all manuscripts to include a data availability statement and “authors are also encouraged to include formal citations to data sets in article reference lists”.
These requirements strengthen Nature’s existing data policy, which requires authors to make all data associated with the publication as open as possible.
UQ researchers are able to store, describe and license their data on UQ eSpace and link the data set to their UQ eSpace publications.
Contact UQ Library for support:

UQ Library logo


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