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What's On

in Health and Biomedical Informatics. October, 2016.


ACS Victoria's Medical Data SIG launch event is here!

The launch of ACS Victoria’s Medical Data SIG will take place on 6 October 2016 at 5:30pm in Room 101, Alan Gilbert Building, The University of Melbourne.
This SIG seeks to identify ICT practitioners working in the patient and clinical data field in Victoria. Providing a forum for the health-care professionals and ICT practitioners aiming to foster collaboration in order to improve and more widely disseminate professional ICT practice within the field.
Other outcomes for the SIG are to;
  • Create a broader understanding of patient medical data research and analysis in Victoria
  • Provide qualitative and efficiency improvements in medical data collations and analysis
  • Assistance to the enhancement of evidence based medical practice and patient outcomes
The purpose of the launch session is to provide opportunity to network and allow interested participants to identify projects for the SIG to support.
University of Melbourne Staff and Students are invited to attend this event free.
Places are limited! Please RSVP today:

October 13, 2016

<+> ACS Sessions for Governance and Management of IT SIG
"The persistent challenge of health informatics" is the title of an Australian Computer Society Governance and Management of IT Special Interest Group event in Melbourne, 13 October 2016. The speaker is Greg Adamson, Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne School of Engineering, President of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology, and Chair of the IEEE Blockchain Special Interest Group. For more details click here.
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