If you are making your own stuff, doing your own work and trying to sell it in the market, most advice isn't enough. You want it to work. You want to sell your works  to those who most are touched by them. This newsletter is for you. I am one of those people like you, creative, independent and maybe a little bit crazy to the outside world. I'll talk about writing good apps for Apple platforms, the tools and API's to get there. Along the way I will show you how to become you best creative self too.  I will show you how to build and create, and make some money at it too.

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The Slice of App Pie List is a newsletter to inform and promote the MakeAppPie.com website and associated activities of its Owner, Steven Lipton. The use of personal information is solely to be used for that purpose. This list, or any name on this list will not be sold or given out to any other third party not involved in the transmission of this Newsletter. At the current time that means storage of your personal information on the MailChimp.com servers, and is subject to Mailchimp's privacy guidelines. Steve will send e-mails with information about MakeAppPie.com and other companies he is working for, such as Lynda.com, but not give any of the information out to external partners.