Welcome to ECG's monthly newsletter, providing insights and advice about all things HR!
November 2016

As we enter this Thanksgiving Holiday season, it is time for us all to reflect how fortunate we are to be surrounded by family and friends. Many of our clients, vendors and network of referral sources have become our friends, and for this, we are very grateful.

Moreover, and on a personal note, I am blessed to be surrounded by a team of truly professional, considerate and experienced human resources professionals; Patricia Ceballos, Clark Souers, Anita Goldin and Eric Arndt. Thank you to our team for their hard work, professionalism and dedication to ECG.

Together, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!


Client Highlight – The Center for Health Care Rights

Since 2012, ECG has had the honor and pleasure of working with the Center for Health Care Rights, and Aileen Harper, the Director of the Center. We have assisted this noteworthy, non-profit organization with human resources consulting services and training workshops, and look forward to our continued partnership with them.

About the Center

The Center for Health Care Rights (CHCR) is a California-based non-profit organization dedicated to assuring consumer access to quality health care through information, counseling, education, advocacy, and research programs. CHCR is supported by government and private foundation grants.

Since 1984, CHCR has provided a full range of free Medicare advocacy services, including education counseling and legal assistance to Los Angeles County residents. Each year, more than 13,000 Los Angeles County Medicare beneficiaries and their family members contact CHCR’s telephone hotline for information and assistance with their Medicare, Medi-Cal and other health insurance benefits.

The Center for Health Care Rights
520 South Lafayette Park Place, Suite 215
Los Angeles, CA 90057


Highlights from our blog:

Have you posted your "Time off to vote" notice yet?. Employers must post a Time Off to Vote notice by October 30, 2016. The General Election is November 8, and employers must display a poster outlining the voting leave requirements at least 10 days before the election. Employees are allowed 2 hours of paid leave to vote, if they do not have sufficient time outside working hours to vote in a statewide electio. Learn more.

Return to work: Doctor's Release. The number of employees who take sick leaves steadily increases during this time of year. While missing employees can affect your business operations, it’s important to ensure your employees are staying home and recovering rather than coming to work and getting the rest of your staff sick. Learn more.


Establishing a sound attendance policy. Have a sound attendance policy included in your employee handbook. Attendance and punctuality is an important aspect of work and can determine your employee’s productivity and commitment.  Read more.


Understanding the Immigration Control and Reform Act (IRCA) IRCA requires that all employers, regardless of size, to verify their new hires’ eligibility to work in the U.S. The Immigration Reform and Control Act require employers to provide proof that all of their new employees have the right to work in the United States.  Learn more.


Thank you very much for reading our newsletter; we'd love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments! And please forward this newsletter to any managers or business owners you feel could benefit from our services. We receive over 95% of our clients through referral, and we appreciate and respect the trust you place in us by referring us to others.

With Kind Regards,

 Chantal Mariotti

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