The Institute's weekly e-news - 03 Oct.
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Institute News

From the Chapter President 


I would like to introduce Vanessa Thamm who joined the SA Chapter just over a month ago as the Communications and Special Projects Officer.  With a background in State and Local government, she also has strong policy and advocacy skills.  It is great to have her on board.

At a time when the SA Chapter is preparing responses to the 30 Year Plan update, the Local Heritage Discussion Paper and issues arising from changes to government procurement  Vanessa’s presence is timely.  It provides the Chapter with greater ability to support our members in responding to issues that directly affect the profession. 
In parallel with this advocacy work the Chapter continues to be active in raising public awareness of design and the value it provides.  The program for SPACE – Tours Through Architecture provides access to a range of projects and precincts.  This provides the profession with a powerful opportunity to explain the complex synthesis of information that informs design thinking and leads to well resolved built outcomes.  It allows us to demonstrate that architecture is about more than aesthetics.  It’s about innovative and effective responses to clients’ needs within the context of environmental, technological, economic and regulatory factors.  It’s about exceeding client expectations and showing them the future.

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People's Choice Award - Voting Open! 

To celebrate World Architecture Day, we've opened voting for the National Architecture Awards' 2016 People's choice Award. The People’s Choice Award gives members of the public the opportunity to select their favourite house from the 14 residential projects shortlisted by the national jury. Voting closes 5pm, 27 Oct.
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Learning Environments Australasia SA Chapter is hosting the 2016 Regional Day Out on the theme of STEM in Australia; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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The AIA SA Chapter is also organising a round table discussion with DECD, DPTI and participating architects to discuss lessons learned and future developments with STEM projects. To register your interest please email

What's On

Harry Seidler Documentary Premiere
Sat 22 Oct, 5pm

The Australian Institute of Architects Foundation, in association with Film Art Media present the Australian premiere of Harry Seidler: modernist, the first documentary of Seidler’s architectural legacy and delivers an intimate portrait of his extraordinary life and internationally recognised work.  Screening at the Sydney Opera House with a Q&A session to follow. Tickets on sale now.
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Exploring Overseas Practice
21 October, 1:00-2:30pm 

We live in an increasingly connected world and this provides opportunities to live, study and work overseas. However, moving to a different country is not without risk. So how can you make sure you have the best experience possible?

Pippa Lee is an Adelaide educated architect who moved to New York in 2011. Since emigrating she has worked in architectural practice and recently established her own firm. She has also supported the New York Offshore Studio offered by the University of Adelaide School of Architecture and Built Environment.

Pippa will share her experiences of moving to another country and building a career.

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Notice board

UIA World Architects Congress - Call Out

The UIA World Congresses are a premier forum for professionals and future leaders in the field of architecture to exchange the best and latest practices, visions and experience. The Scientific Committee of the UIA 2017 Seoul cordially invite participants to submit design works under the theme of ‘Soul of City.' Submissions close 30 November.
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Japan 2017 with Peter Maddison

Join Peter Maddison for an architectural tour of Japan. You and the Grand Designs Australia host will discover the delights of Japan together – everything from the sensational food, unique cities, fascinating museums, and of course, the stunning and innovative architecture.
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Sponsor News

AWS Designer Notes – SIPS Residence

This project in Red Hill, Brisbane, utilised a modular structural insulated panel system as an internal finish - an innovative method to reduce construction time and allow economy in site labour. What resulted was an elegant and purposeful design, complete with flush thresholds, large glazing, louvres and even a stunning stacking door. Click here to see the interview with the architect.

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South Australian Chapter
100 Flinders Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

08 8402 5900
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