Recent International Coverage of Migration
Migration Research Center at Koç University

Migration Research Center at Koç University

International Press Reader
 October 8 - 14, 2016

Photographer Aris Messinis documented the rescue operations in a haunting photo series, "Stepping over the Dead on a Migrant Boat"
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A collection of news articles, op-eds and thinkpieces on migration

Rescue Operations on the Mediterranean

Over 10,000 migrants have been rescued over the course of just two days in operations led by the Italian coast guard. Rescue operations of this scale have been rare since late August, but prove that the Mediterranean remains an important route for migrants, predominantly from African nations, wishing to reach Europe. A little less than a month ago, 204 people died on a single day when a boat with more than 500 people capsized in front of the Egyptian coast. More and more Egyptians have been trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, most of them being unaccompanied minors disillusioned by the lack of economic opportunities and skeptical about the government’s efforts.  

U.S. Election and the Minority Vote

Migration is one of the focus issues of the upcoming U.S. election. Trump’s racist and bigoted comments has minority voters largely unified in their stance against him - with more and more Asian-Americans registering Democrat, even among those communities that have traditionally voted more Republican. In Santa Ana, the Latino/a community, which makes up 78% of the city’s population, is not only an important support base for the Democrats, but also provides a glimpse into a changing California - and United States, as an entire Latino city council facilitates political, demographic and cultural change.

Forced Migration on the Rise in Latin America

Meanwhile, more migrants are trying to make their way into the U.S. This Time article follows two Cuban women on their long and costly journey of 8,000 miles all the way through the Latin American continent, where they hope to be granted asylum. That prospect is grim for another growing group of migrants from Central America, who are escaping violence by security forces and gangs. Asylum applications from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are expected to increase by a rate of 658% since 2011, but few succeed.

With the Balkan route closed off, thousands of migrants are stranded in Greece, where most live in makeshift camps or are pushed to the military camps. This photo-essay tries to capture their experience.
Protest over Education of Migrant Children in Greece

As we covered last week, migrant children face great difficulty and discrimination in their access to education. The latest story comes from Greece, where refugee children were met with protests on their first day of school. 

"The Crisis before the Refugee Crisis"

In an interactive piece, Al-Jazeera critiques and counters the recent use of the term “refugee crisis” in a story highlighting the longer history of forced migration. The factsheets aim to show Europe's hypocrisy in deeming the displacement a crisis only when refugees came to Europe's borders.

Repatriation of Afghans to a Country Still War-torn

As we covered last week, the EU has signed an agreement facilitating the return of Afghan migrants to Afghanistan, where war continues to destroy lives. While the EU has denied, a memo shows that the deal was signed as a condition of international aid to Afghanistan. The plight of Afghan migrants is grim not only in Europe; neighbour Pakistan has intensified efforts to deport Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan amid growing hostility between the two countries. Afghans, as well as Iraqis, have become “second-class refugees” as a consequence of the EU-Turkey deal, as they are sent back to Turkey where they are stripped from basic rights. Those who are repatriated return to a country they no longer know as home, and breaks up families and marriages.

On October 18, Dr. Ayşecan Terzioğlu will give a talk entitled “The Medical and Popular Discourses on the Syrian Women’s Health and Body in Turkey”. The talk will take place at 7 p.m. at the Orient-Institut Istanbul. For more information, click here.

SAVE THE DATE: The MiReKoç seminar series is back! We are happy to invite you to join us for our first luncheon seminar of the year on Wednesday October 26, The Relational Network Characteristics of Sharing Conflict Rumors in Syria by Justin Schon (Indiana University Bloomington/Koç University). The presentation and discussion will take place at noon in CSSH meeting room, SOS 143. Please contact for further information.


CALL FOR PAPERS: The Refugee Review has extended the deadline for paper abstracts for Volume 3: Refugees and Work. The deadline is now 24 October. Click here to learn more.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Applications are now open for the second edition of the Smuggling Workshop, "Critical Approaches to Irregular Migration Facilitation: Grounding the Theory and Praxis of Human Smuggling", to take place at the University of Texas at El Paso on April 6 and 7, 2017. The workshop organizers welcome a diversity of submissions in terms of regions, regimes, and time periods, but preference is given to ethnographic research. Apply by 15 November. Read more.

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Refugee Studies Centre will host the Beyond Crisis: Rethinking Refugee Studies Conference on 16-17 March 2017 at Keble College, Oxford. The conference organizers are now accepting submissions for panels in the format of traditional academic paper panels, debates, and roundtables. An exhibition space will be available at the conference and creative contributions are welcomed. Deadline 15 November. Learn more about the conference and call for submissions here.

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Central and Eastern European Migration Review is welcoming contributions to be published in 2017. Priority is given to work on the CEE region and comparative analyses. Application deadline is 30 November. Click here to learn more.


Migration Policy Institute’s latest publication “Integration Refugees into Host Country Labor Markets: Challenges and Policy Options” by Maria Vincenza Desiderio can now be accessed online.

About MiReKoç

Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc) was established in August 2004 as a grant-giving program by the joint initiation of Koç University (Istanbul) and the Foundation for Population, Migration, and Environment (PME, Zurich).

As of 2010 MiReKoc has become a fully functioning research center aimed at developing the research capacity to address migration issues in Turkey.

In addition to being an institutionalized hub for Turkey-related migration research, MiReKoc also initiates conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars aimed at engaging students, academics, bureaucrats, policymakers, stakeholders and civil society organizations (CSO).

Copyright © 2016 Migration Research Center at Koç University, All rights reserved.

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