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Grand News #11, 2016
New titles at Grand Agency

The Heiress

Lina Forss
Young, successful and the heiress to The Firm, Sofi Enhörning has the whole world at her feet. Yet, there is something that is not right ...
A crisis threatens the investment company The Firm and Sofi is forced to engage a business consultant. The consultant Peder Wikingsson is notoriously surrounded by scandal rumors, former elite horse rider and a professor at the Stockholm School of Economics. Sophie is caught off guard by the strong emotions Peder arouses in her. While she finds it increasingly difficult to resist the consultant, her future husband Lord Otto Bååth, is unknowingly waiting at the estate.
Sofi's world starts to fall apart when the tabloids reveal the forbidden romance, and The Firm's stock value skylark. She buries herself in work. Meanwhile, both Otto and Peder try to win her heart. Who can she trust in a world where money rules? And who will she choose ...?

The Heiress rights sold 
Denmark: Harper Collins Nordic
Finland: Harper Collins Nordic
Norway: Harper Collins Nordic
Sweden: Harper Collins Nordic

For further info on this title, please contact  
Lotta Jämtsved Millberg at .

Words from the agent

When Lina Forss sets her mind at something, she will make it happen. A while back she decided romance is the genre she wanted to get deeper involved in. And it wasn’t just a whimsy idea, she knew what she was doing.
Some might think it is easy to write romance. And maybe it is. But it is not easy to write GOOD romance. But Lina Forss knows how to do it! 

Lean back and enjoy. And be prepared to get flushed cheeks!

Lotta Jämtsved Millberg
Grand Agency

Author photo: Anneli Hildonen
Agent photo: Jesper Anhede

Three questions about romance to Lina Forss

What made you start writing romance?

I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse! HarperCollins was set to bring empowered Northern romance to its worldly readers, following closely in the resolute footprints made by Lisbeth Salander. I got to chose between medical, historical financial romance, as I call it. Born and bread in a family of 80’s financial acrobacy, I took my pick with Stockholm Romance. It’s excellent fun and hard work! 
Some might think it is easy, but tell us, why isn’t it as easy as many seem to think to write romance?
To a debutante reader, romance may seem to be all about steamy passion and happily ever afters, but the truth lingers in the in-betweens. The empowerment for both men and women, hope and despair, survival and fulfillment, persuasion, ambition, courage and what-nots of tedious living. My job as a writer is to create the best ”3 o’clock in the morning book” the reader could pick up when demons are keeping him or her awake. The function of sex in romance is to solve one problem while creating a new for the struggling lovers on their challenging journey towards happiness. And the writer’s job is to create characters desirable beyond belief for the heroes to have sex with, while the readers wish they could too.  In it for the patient reader is a love story that’s been tested and proved worth its happy ending. Fiction never has to be about truth but it must always be believable. At the beginning of a book each writer commits to take its reader on a roller-coaster ride. In romance, happy endings and a love is the reward for staying on. 
Sofi Enhörning is an interesting character. Any chance we get to meet her again?
Well oh well, one of the laws of romance is the Happily Ever After - once a couple commit to each other, they are sadly used up as heroes of another story. Modern romance heroes may well have been married before, slept around like crazy, have been queen bee of a harem or nuns, but once they fall in love with their AlfaBeta love interest, that’s it. But coming to think of it, Sofi Enhörning is best friends with Emma Tornspira, the loudmouth girl and architect of Sofi’s happily ever after. As it happens, Emma is the hero of the third book in Stockholm Romance, with the working title Emma’s Tower (Torn in her last name meaning tower.)
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