The Institute's weekly e-news - 10 Oct.
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Institute News

From the National President

We live in times of significant change globally, with issues including climate change, ideological divides, social dislocation, political uncertainty and digital disruption all impacting on the way we think and the stability of our world. The validity of our institutions, our governance, our communities and our social fabric are under challenge.

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Policy and Advocacy Update

With the Institute having identified advocacy as a strategic pillar for the foreseeable future, a policy review is now underway to see which of our existing policies we retain and which are to be updated. The review will include broad consultation with members to identify the most important issues and what needs to be done to ensure our message to governments and the public is clear.
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2017 SONA Rep Applications Open

Applications are now open for 2017 for SONA Representatives!  This is a fantastic opportunity to become more involved in the industry.  Applications close at 5pm, 16 November 2016.  Visit the website to read more.
Young Professionals Experience Survey

This year EmAGN is conducting the Young Professionals Experience Survey 2016 in order to understand your insights on the challenges of entering the architecture industry, details about your experiences, and what the Institute can do to better assist you. The survey submissions will close 5pm, 21 October 2016.
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What's On

Designing our Future Cities

To be held at the Open State Hub on the SA Museum Forecourt along North Terrace, an assortment of distinguished local, interstate and international speakers from various backgrounds has been assembled to share ideas and forecast new frameworks, systems and strategies to shape our Future Cities.

Indy Johar, UK based Architect and Social Innovator, headlines the two-day Future Cities program (October 25-26) curated by the Australian Institute of Architects (the Institute) as part of Open State.


The SA Chapter is convening a round table discussion for architects involved in STEM projects.

The first is a forum for architects only to discuss their learning - Monday 17th at 3.30 pm.

The second is to meet with representatives from DPTI - Friday 21st at 10:30 am.

19 October 6:30 -8:30pm
Location: Tenth & Gibson - 87 Gibson St, Bowden

The ASBN's next Spotlight event will take a look at the quantitative aspects; what health implications are scientifically proven with building design, and qualitative aspect; areas which go beyond the 'technical' realm, to improve quality of life.  

Presenters are Lucy Crawford, Architect and founder of Hafren Architecture & Phil Donaldson, of SustainSA.
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Exploring Overseas Practice - Pippa Lee
AIA, 21 October 1-2:30 pm 

Pippa Lee is an Adelaide educated architect who moved to New York in 2011. Since emigrating she has worked in architectural practice and recently established her own firm. She has also supported the New York Offshore Studio offered by the University of Adelaide School of Architecture and Built Environment.

Pippa will share her experiences of moving to another country and building a career.

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Competitions & Opportunities


The Institute SA Chapter is calling for applications for the Jack Hobbs McConnell Travelling Fellowship.

Established in 2007 following a bequest from the estate of the late modernist architectural figure who died in 2005 aged 92, the Fellowship is for an amount up to $15,000. Applicants must be graduates in architecture from the University of South Australia or University of Adelaide of up to five years standing.

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Notice board

UIA Friendly Spaces Awards - Entries Open

The International Union of Architects (UIA) has launched the second edition of the ‘Friendly and Inclusive Spaces’ Awards. The awards recognise and promote inclusive design – from buildings and public spaces to research – and are open to all architect members of UIA member sections. Entries can be submitted online until 20 December 2016.
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Sponsor News

AWS Project Feature - Shipley House

Migrating from the breezy and comfortable Queensland environment to the wide-range of extreme temperatures, isn’t the easiest thing to do. This is particularly the case when trying to achieve the same, unchanged residential design, despite the wild and conflicting climatic differences. While this provided an interesting challenge, it wasn’t one that AWS was hindered by.
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South Australian Chapter
100 Flinders Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

08 8402 5900
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