World English Bible praise and prayer requests
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Aloha, Friend!
Isaiah 55:8-11
We just released a new print edition of the World English Bible. The free digital formats of the World English Bible are still available, but with print, there are no batteries to run out and no hardware and software to fail or become obsolete. See WorldEnglish.Bible for details. I typeset this Bible with software that I wrote, which I also used to typeset the hundreds of print-on-demand Bible translations pictured below. It took a long time to write the software and prepare the inputs, but it only takes about 3 days of computer run time to typeset the whole lot.
Shelves full of Bibles
Unboxing print-on-demand Bible translations in many languages at the Digital Bible Society that I typeset

Now, most of the Bible translations in the list at are in print format, too. See for a view of some of these precious Bible translations in print. May God bless those who read the Holy Bible in their own language.
Rachel swimming in the ocean
Rachel snorkeling at Kealakekua Bay

Last week we met Lori's mother, brother, and sister on the Big Island of Hawaii for a mini-vacation. We went swimming, snorkeling, and got to catch up with some friends in Youth With a Mission.

Please keep praying for us for:
  • Favor with Bible translation copyright owners
  • Divine wisdom in all things
  • That we would do God's work in God's way.
People who speak minority languages and people in persecuted countries need better access to the Holy Bible in their own languages.
These are the people who normally can't just go to a bookstore and buy a Bible. However, they often have access to digital devices that can display Bible text and play audio Bibles.
With your help, we are helping these people have easy access to God's Word.

For English speakers, we provide the World English Bible and its derivatives. All of the other Bible translations are translated by others who allow us to distribute their Bible translations. We do this because God's Word produces eternal results in people's lives. We don't require payment for any of these Bibles, but rather rely on God to supply our needs.
Tax-deductible donations may be made to us online or by sending a check to:

MARRIETTA GA 30061-0379


Please mark donations "FUND CODE #70".

Personal mail can be sent to us at:

PO BOX 881143
PUKALANI HI 96788-1143

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Michael and Lori Johnson
26 Hiwalani Loop
Makawao, HI 96768-8747

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