An update for Sustainable Neighbourhood volunteers
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Sustainable Neighbourhoods News

Celebrate Wangi's Centenary
Sunday 23 October
Enjoy a fun family day out, and show your support for the big community celebration to mark the Wangi Centenary.
Go for an early morning walking tour along Wangi Point Ridge with Landcare volunteers, before making your way along the Centenary Trail from Wangi Oval.  Check out the art, memorabilia, classic cars, bowls, croquet and a range of family activities spread across a number of venues and community groups throughout the Wangi Peninsula.
For all the details, visit, or
Brekky with the birds
Be a part of the Aussie Backyard Bird Count, treat yourself to a free BBQ breakfast (meat and vegetarian available), and find out how you can help keep track of our feathered friends.
Sunday 23 October, 7-10am
Wilkinson Park, Railway Parade, Cardiff

Volunteers from The Cardiff Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group, and the Hunter Bird Observers Club will be there to help you with the Aussie Bird Count app, and to check out the birds at Wilkinson Park.  Find out more.
Our Place Hunter - Grants Program
These grants from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage aim to facilitate projects to improve and enhance the local environment, encourage increased community participation and build local community capacity in environmental and sustainability management.
Grants of between $5,000 and $10,000 are available.  Applications close 3pm, Monday 28 November.
Please remember that prior approval from the Alliance Board is required for applications to be sponsored.  Three weeks notice is ideal.
Kids eco-craft for Halloween @ Cardiff
The Cardiff Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group will be holding a stall at Cardiff's popular Halloween event coming up on Saturday 29 October, 8.30am - 3.30pm.
They will be promoting a sustainable approach by helping kids make halloween decorations out of repurposed materials, and of course, letting people know about Sustainable Neighbourhoods.
Have you heard of the
Lake Macquarie Coastal Wetlands Park
The Lake Macquarie Coastal Wetlands Park proposal was initiated by community groups and was formally endorsed by Lake Macquarie City Council in 2005. The park proposal covers 10 separate areas of land over a distance of about 15 km on the eastern side of Lake Macquarie.  The total area is 1,730 ha, owned by a number of State Government agencies and Council.
The concept of the park is to provide for cooperative and consistent management of the significant wetland and natural areas, and improve protection and management.
Following the Spring Gathering held on 11 October, volunteers from Redhead, Greater Charlestown and the Belmont Wetlands State Park have agreed to work together to campaign for this proposal to become reality.  The working group is currently formulating a strategy, and would welcome your involvement.  Please let us know if you are interested.
AGM reminder
Now is the time to put your hand up to help support and lead the Sustainable Neighbourhoods network.
Board members make a real difference, learn new skills, and enjoy being part of a supportive and productive team.
Annual General Meeting:  Tuesday 15 November, 6-8pm.  RSVPs essential please.
Board Member nominations are due by Tuesday 8 November.
Sustainable Neighbourhoods Celebration
and Show and Tell

Save the date for an end of year get together, a chance to catch up, socialise and celebrate together, and share your groups recent achievements and challenges.
Saturday 3 December
2 - 5pm

Location:  Landcare Resource Centre, Teralba
Get ready for a Super Sunday
The Bicycle Network's 'Super Sunday Recreation Count' is scheduled for Sunday 13 November 2016.
Half of the sites are booked already, so organise your favourite sites before they go.  Counters can earn $120 per site to donate to local community group.
For further details visit the Bicycle Network's website.
Copyright © 2016 Lake Macquarie Sustainable Neighbourhood Alliance, All rights reserved.

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