
October 2016

Looking out over Jerusalem from a prayer tower in the city center. The Temple Mount is in the far upper right side of the photo. 

High Holy Days

After returning from a fast, furious and magnificent trip to Kansas, I started preparing for a new academic year at the University of the Holy Land and for the High Holy Days which are three of the appointed feasts from the bible. First was Rosh HaShannah, the Jewish New Year which is now 5777. Second was Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

Between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur the people meditate on repentance of our sins. Then on Yom Kippur the people fast and pray together for both Israel and the nations. Just before Yom Kippur this year, groups of Jews gathered together to pray for their neighbors in Syria. 

Today, we are celebrating Sukkot. Sukkot is one of my favorite feasts because it is "God with us." God was with the Israelites in the desert so long ago and He is with us still today. 



This month I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to preach at the Arabic speaking congregation inside the Old City of Jerusalem, and a Korean congregation inside the new city of Jerusalem. Both inspire me to reach out to the nations.

David's Waterfall

I have also been busy assisting with School of Worship ministry, which sometimes includes taking guests to some very special places.....Ein Gedi and the Dead Sea.





Thank you to all the congregations, groups and individuals who made my September trip to Kansas so great.


Special THANK YOU to the individuals and ministries that are being supportive of this transition time for the next level of upcoming ministry. 

Now in Jerusalem

Sukkot, The Feast of the Tabernacles

A look from inside our Sukkah. Palm branches make up the roof and are spread apart so that the stars are visible at night. Temporary shelters are used to remind the Israelites of time spent in the desert and remembering God was with them. 


Faith in Action Tabernacle Ministries

God has answered the prayers for an expansion of the Jerusalem Tailoring shop at Nakuru Kenya. A donor has blessed the ministry with the additional machines needed to enable the completion of the clothing in house. This will help generate more income for the ministry to the widows and orphans. 

My prayer request: God's ordained plan for the next season of this ministry, here in Israel and the nations. In Israel, Kenya, Thailand and beyond. With God we are limitless!

Be sure to visit my blog : 
and visit the Facebook page and website of Faith in Action Tabernacle Ministry :

Follow me on Instagram: cindyinisrael

Cindy Lawson
P.O. Box 31451

Jerusalem Israel 91314
+972 54 2811676

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