Designing drugs at the atomic scale with computer simulation 
At the atomic level, the molecules in our bodies are in constant motion, and are undergoing constant change.  The motions are incredibly rich; they range from the isomerization of side-chains, to the formation and destruction of large intermolecular complexes. more>>
Cyberinfrastructure Forum 2016
The 2016 Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Forum was a huge success.  With an attendee list greater in number than ever before, a diverse group gathered together on MSU’s campus for exciting leading edge discussion and collaboration.more>>
Know more about the services available to users:
Lustre upgrades
During the October 3rd outage, Lustre servers were upgraded, re-enabling high availability and improving stability. more>>
New Storage Server
This summer and fall, iCER added 1.6 petabytes of replicated, offsite storage to replace older home directory file servers. more>>
New Intel16 resources
Since its introduction, most of the Intel16 cluster was exclusively committed to buy-in users or jobs that were less than 4 hours in run-time. We have been able to return 84 nodes... more>>
New Data Center
MSU’s Board of Trustees has approved a new data center for business continuity and high performance computing. more>>
Upcoming Maintainance 
OCT 17 Enable memory error detection and correction (ECC) on the K80                         nodes on the Intel16 cluster.
OCT 19 Migrate the active users of ufs-10-b to the new file servers.
NOV 01 Restart the automatic deletion process on /mnt/scratch (/mnt/ls15) for                 files that are older than 45 days. 
Tentative outage schedule for 2017:
Tuesday, January 3rd. 
Tuesday, March 7th 
Tuesday, May 16th 
More specifics about these outages will be posted as they approach.
System Status
Status Dashboard
Call for Seminar Presentations
Short proposals for seminars in visualization and workflow tools, resources and techniques are invited. 
Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science (TRIPODS)
Call for proposals that aim to bring together the statistics, mathematics, and theoretical computer science communities to develop the theoretical foundations of data science through integrated research and training activities. more>>
OCT 18  Introduction to HPCC
OCT 20  Software/Data Carpentry Instructor Training
OCT 27  HPCC Topics: Running and Managing Jobs
NOV 02  Introduction to SQL and Relational Databases
Need HPC assistance? Vist iCER Office Hours.
1440 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building
If you are interested in promoting your research through us, please hashtag us on social media or contact
Copyright © 2016 Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Biomedical & Physical Sciences Building
567 Wilson Road, Room 1440
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1226

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