stanford center on poverty and inequality

News and Opportunities
White House Features CPI Award

The CPI has launched a $3 million initiative to build an administrative-data framework for measuring and evaluating the success of social service programs designed to reduce poverty and inequality. The new program was announced last week in conjunction with the White House Frontiers Conference. 
National Poverty Fellows Program

The Institute for Research on Poverty is seeking applications for two in-residence fellowship positions at the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation in the Administration for Children and Families (OPRE-ACF). Applicants should have a background in poverty, economic inequality, and social policy.

America's Poverty Course
Do you need a crash course on poverty and inequality? It’s not too late to enroll in our free online course featuring forty of the country’s top scholars. Sign up here.
The Takeoff in Income Inequality

In a new CPI tradition, each week we’ll feature a key video from our online course on poverty and inequality. This week’s offering: A five-minute introduction by Emmanuel Saez on the takeoff in U.S. income inequality. Everything you need to know in 5 compact minutes!

Talks and Events
The Well-Being of American Ethnic Minorities

Sociology professor and CPI research group leader C. Matthew Snipp discusses his current research on the methodology of racial measurement in the United States Census and the social and economic well-being of American ethnic minorities.

Friday, October 21, Green Library, Room 121A, 2pm
Improving Police-Community Relations in Oakland

Psychology professor and CPI affiliate Jennifer Eberhardt presents some of her research initiatives and offers recommendations for improving the relationship between the police and community in Oakland.

Wednesday, October 26, Gold Lounge, Faculty Club, 12pm
Race, Inequality, and Language in Education Conference

This two-day research conference hosted by the Graduate School of Education examines how race, inequality, and language intersect and impact education.

Friday, October 28 - Saturday, October 29, Center for Educational Research at Stanford
Presidential Politics: America Unequal

CPI director David Grusky, CPI research group leader Sean Reardon, and Race Forward research director Dominique Apollon will participate in this panel discussion exploring economic inequality and race in the 2016 presidential election.

Monday, November 7, NVIDIA Auditorium, 7pm
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by the Elfenworks Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation).

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