A quick summary of what is on this week at Linton Free Church
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Linton Free Church - What's on this Week?

Here is this week's edition of our weekly 'What's On' email. If you would like anything included in future emails, please email Al Wood at

This week we have the following highlights:

  • Coffee Morning - Wednesday 10:30 - come along to our popular coffee morning in the church hall.
  • Church Meeting - Thursday 8pm - our quarterly church meeting in the Green Room. The agenda can be downloaded further down below this email.
  • Friday Youth Group – Friday 7:00pm - our regular Friday night youth group
  • Men's Breakfast - Saturday 9am - come along for a hearty breakfast and a chance to hear our new youth worker Lee Nash speak.
Tea Towel Amnesty - we are missing a number of tea towels from the church kitchen. If you've taken some home and forgotten to bring them back, please do so as soon as you can. Thank you!
Don't forget about our church meeting this week on Thursday at 8pm. We have a slightly revised agenda which can be downloaded here.

Agenda for the Church meeting on 20th October 2016 in the Green Room, 8.00pm.
  1. The meeting will open with prayer
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of meeting on 14th July 2016 agreed and signed.
  4. Matters arising.
  5. Green room/hall sound update
  6. Electrical PAT testing/maintenance logs - Doug
  7. Christmas
  8. Manse update
  9. Transfer of membership, children’s dedications.

Men's Breakfast

Saturday 22 October: 'Meet Lee Nash'
Saturday 19 November: Malcolm Guite

Both breakfasts will be at The Black Bull, Balsham starting at 8.45 for 9.00 a.m. and finishing by around 10.00 a.m. Of course, both will be Full English. Speak to Steve Munday to book or ask for more details.
Light Party - An Alternative to Halloween
Disco, games, hot dogs and a short talk about Jesus, the Light of Darkness. 

WHEN: 21st October, 4:30-6:30pm
WHO: All primary aged children very welcome
HOW MUCH: £2 on the door

Westminster College Quiet Days
Saturday 5th November

Peace! Be Still (Mark 4:39)

Our very own Mary Irish is organising the quiet day at Westminster College and you are invited! For more information download an information pack or speak to Mary Irish.
Ladies Coffee Morning - Saturday 29th October 10am
Back by popular demand, we have a ladies coffee morning taking place on Saturday the 29th of October at 10am at 104 High Street West Wickham. Speak to Penny Coulson if you have any questions.
Future dates for your diary
  • Church Meeting (Autumn) - 20th October, Thursday 8pm Green Room - come along to our open quarterly meetings where we discuss the future vision and strategy for our church life together.
  • Men's Breakfast - 22nd October - with special guest Lee Nash. Speak to Steve Munday for further details.
  • Ladies Coffee Morning - 29th October, Saturday 10am - watch this space for more details.
  • Light Party - Monday 31st, 4:30 - 6:30pm - disco, games, hot dogs and a short talk for all primary aged children. £2 on the door.
  • Visit from Issam Khoury  - 4th & 5th November - Isaam, one of our mission partners will be visiting Linton. Further details to follow.
  • Men's Breakfast - 19th November - with special guest Malcolm Guite. Speak to Steve Munday for further details

Belleplate Groups

The Belleplate group meets weekly at 7.45pm in the Geen Room.  Anyone wishing to try ringing Belleplates would be more than welcome to join us at any meeting.  The ability to read music scores is not required. Contact Peter Wheeler: 01223 971057.
We'll start updating this again very soon.

To listen to recent sermons, click on the link below:
Alternatively if you'd like to see the back catalogue of sermons either login or register on our church website and then head over to the download sermons section to listen again.
Haverhill Food Bank     

Thank you for your continued donations.  However, we have some items we’re short of as follows:
  • Tinned tomatoes  we are now out of stock
  • Longlife juice
  • Chocolate & treats as we are fast approaching Christmas. 

What happens to the items placed in the Church collection box?
  • They are delivered to the REACH warehouse in Haverhill.
  • There our team of volunteers weigh the food in and pack it into boxes using the Trussell trust guidelines.
  • Boxes are made up in different sizes for single persons, couples,  small and large families. 
  • We also have packages for homeless people who are living on the streets (no cooking required) and emergency overnight bags.
  • The food is distributed as appropriate, following an evaluation by REACH advisors. The need for food is often a symptom of a greater problem and REACH works to find a holistic solution.
  • The distribution area is within a 10 mile radius of Haverhill, which does include Linton and its surrounding villages. 
  • If you can spare any time to help please let Linda or John know.
There is no charge for collection. Please contact REACH on 01440 268003 or John or Linda Pearson.

House & Small Groups

The following small groups meet regularly. They are a great way to get to know people in the church, learn more about God through Bible study, and support each other through the ups and downs of life. If transport is a problem do make contact as lifts can often be arranged.
  • Monday’s 8:00-9:30pm – Venue: Alex & Mandy Jacob @ 2 The Rookery, Balsham – Contact: 01223 892274 Email: All are welcome.
  • Tuesday’s 7:30–9.00pm Venue: Chris & Lucy Kemshell @ The Manse, Linton – Contact: 01223 892991 
  • Wednesday 10.30am - 12noon.  Coffee Morning -  Contact Janet Crowhurst on 01799 584483, or see our website here.
  • Wednesday’s 8:00-9:30pm – Venue: Al & Angela Wood – For details please contact Al & Angela: 0777979359 or 01799 585721 Email:

Prayer Groups & Times

Meeting together to pray is so important! Below are the times when we pray together as church.
  • Sunday’s 10:15am-10:30am Prayer for the Sunday Worship – Venue: Vestry.
  • Tuesday’s 9:00am-10:00am Church Prayer Meeting – Venue: Vestry.
  • Friday’s 9:00am Church Prayer Meeting – Venue: 27 Parsonage Way.
  • Linton Christians Together – This is a new group that meets with other Christians in the village to pray for our community. They next meet Thursday 29th and will celebrate their - 1st birthday!! Contact Donna Searle for more details. 

Other Regular Activities

Here are some other activities to be aware of this week:
  • Jelly Beans (Age 0-4), every Thursday 9:30-11:30am in the LFC church hall. Jelly Beans is a fun and friendly playgroup for children in the Linton area – Just £1 per child 
  • Belleplates - Tuesday's at 7:45pm till about 9:-9:15pm in the Green Room. A great way to meet people and play a musical instrument together. All people welcome. Contact Peter Wheeler: 01223 971057.
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