They say it takes a village to raise a child. But in our experience, it can take a village to raise a bed of lettuce, too!
Whether big or small, new or well-established, educational youth garden projects don’t just happen. They are labors of love made possible by teams of committed people – from teachers, students, and parents to nurses and
Master Gardener Volunteers to administrators and garden committees.
If you're just getting started or looking to build your garden's village, a garden committee is a great way to bring together enthusiastic supporters who want to help your garden blossom. When forming your garden committee, think about a diversity of interests and perspectives. Gardens flourish when important stakeholders like teachers, parents, nurses, and students all have their voices heard.
Here is a resource on forming an effective garden committee and
this resource outline's the committee's role.
Just as important as building your garden’s village is letting your supporters know that you couldn’t do it without them! There are lots of ways to say that you're thinking of them. You can give jars of freshly harvested honey to
funders or thank volunteers with a handful of cherry tomatoes. Students can create cards or works of art for Master Gardener Volunteers and garden committee members. Parents, staff, and community members may get a letter with updates showing how their time and financial contributions have helped (see this month’s Success Story below!).
In this month’s issue, you’ll find resources on cultivating the important relationships that keep your garden going.
And while we’re on the subject, we at the Wisconsin School Garden Network want to thank all of you for being our village. We are here because of you and for you. The Network will continue to grow over the coming months to better support the people and institutions committed to growing the garden-based education movement. Stay tuned for exciting updates!
Want to thank someone for supporting your garden? Post on our
Facebook page or
Tweet a message of thanks using the hashtag #MyGardenVillage!