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10.2.2016 | Issue 10
On October 7th, TEDxOhioStateUniversity featured three amazing professors from OSU’s Chemistry Department in our first satellite event of the year, “Reactive.” The event went exceptionally well; the room was filled with not just attendees, but also with curiosity and an eagerness to understand the chemical compounds that make up the entire environment around us. Our first talk was presented by Dr. Noel Paul. During his talk, Dr. Paul explained the stigmas around how chemicals and chemistry are portrayed in the media: namely, the stigma that portrays chemicals as only drugs or dangerous corrosives and explosives, and the stigma that makes the subject of chemistry seem complicated and unattractive. Mixed with pop culture and good humor, Dr. Paul’s talk succeeded in showing the media on these subjects and grounding our perceptions of chemicals and chemistry. Our second talk was presented by Dr. David Nagib. Dr. Nagib attacked the misconceptions of the words “chemical” and “chemical-free” head on, exposing the disconnect between society’s emotions about certain chemicals, and the actual chemical truth of them. Dr. Nagib encouraged the audience to be more informed and cautious when we see the clever marketing tricks used to condition us to view chemicals in a negative light. For our last talk, Dr. Prabir Dutta discussed the fascinating research he has been conducting over the last several years. What began as sensors to measure NOX (Nitric Oxide and Nitrogen Dioxide) blossomed into a technology that can be used to help asthma patients detect their next asthma attack, via measuring how much of the very same NOX is fractionally exhaled. Our speakers proved to us that chemistry is not just a subject of study – it can break through the world of academia to create real change in the world, possibly even saving someone’s life in the process.

Students unfamiliar with Columbus may find themselves veiled by 17 lighted metal archways as they walk South of campus down High Street. Those archways mark the Short North Arts District. Known as the “art and soul” of Columbus, the Short North is home to numerous art galleries, specialty shops, restaurants, and coffee houses. The first Saturday of every month, thousands of people come to the Short North for “Gallery Hop”: a 30-year-old tradition that celebrates the culture and art of central Ohio with gallery exhibitions, street performances, special events, food, and drinks throughout the district. With the diversity of people that converge to the Short North for Gallery Hop, TEDxOhioStateUniversity brought our iconic chalkboard to find out “What are your favorite things about Columbus?”.
Armed with only our massive chalkboard, colorful chalk, and radiant personalities, our members set out to find what makes Columbus the culturally vibrant city it is.  Stationed outside Whit’s Frozen Custard, passersby were asked to write what their favorite things about Columbus were. To say people had a lot of ideas worth spreading would be an understatement. By the end of the night, the black face of the chalkboard was masked by a blanket of ideas written in bright chalk. Responses included everything from “The Pokemon” to “The Macaroons” and even a remark from a fan of that team up North. The Short North truly showcased its wide array of personalities, backgrounds, and values. It was a great experience and we hope to be back soon!

A few weeks ago, two of our TEDxOhioStateUniversity members, Jessica Mongillio (Content) and Sri Karri (Communications) went to see Marion Correctional Institute’s theater production “I am Hamlet.” “I am Hamlet” is a unique adaptation of the famed Shakespeare tragedy Hamlet put on by several of the inmates at MCI. What makes this adaption original is that 15 cast members all play the titular role of Hamlet at some point during the play. The classic tale is interwoven with new, contemporary material to create a masterpiece that is worth watching a thousand times over. Sri and Jessica not only had the pleasure of watching this beautiful variation of the beloved play, but also to see all the other incredible the inmates of Marion Correctional have been able to do in their partnership with Healing Broken Circles, a nonprofit organization operated for “educational, charitable and pro-social purposes” for those involved in the justice system. TEDxOhioStateUniversity is thrilled to see what Marion Correctional Institute has in store for us next. Read more about in our blog post about the visit.
In other TEDx news, TEDxColumbus: RISK is Friday, November 4th  at the Jo Ann Davidson Theatre at the Riffe Centre. There will be a morning session from 8am to noon and an afternoon session from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. If you’re interested in attending, ticket information is available at No tickets, however, are required for the high school session from 7-9pm. Members of the TEDxOhioStateU team are collaborating with TEDxColumbus as volunteers for the program and high school session speaker coaches. The theme this year is RISK, inviting speakers to spark insightful dialogue about leaps of faith.
Copyright © 2016 TEDxOhioStateUniversity. All rights reserved.
Issue 10: 10.26.2016

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