Wrapping the year up!
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It's Almost Over!

The year is almost over: happy holiday everyone - and please whether you come to BiPhoria meetings or not take our short survey so we can improve BiPhoria and these emails for the coming year. Here it is.

Thanks to everyone who's come along to our meetings and events in 2016, it's been an ace year.  Bi group meetings in the new year start on Jan 3rd with our Talky Space meeting, and there's an extra for your diary with our Quiz Night for LGBT History Month on January 31st. More on those in the regular bulletin for January.

So That Was 2016...

In the headlines it was the year that David Bowie and Pete Burns died, and that Christopher Biggins got kicked out of the Celebrity Big Brother house for biphobia, while Nicola Adams took another Olympic gold medal.

Elsewhere the referendum vote to leave the EU made some people worried about what that might mean for bi and LGBT equality - as many, perhaps most, of our steps forward in the past forty years have been the result of European rulings rather than enlightened thinking at Westminster.

We had a dozen meetups at the Foundation building and twice as many again elsewhere over coffee or beer; beyond those, here are a few of our memories from the bi year past...

At the start of the year Manchester held a bi book launch for Bisexuality: Identity, Politics & Theories, while the less highbrow Purple Prose was launched down south. The annual Bi Book Awards highlighted lots of other bi titles out there.

It was Manchester Pride at the end of August. We looked pinker, purpler and bluer than ever, or something like that!
We ran a heap of outreach stalls taking bi resources to people, often resulting in a delighted "I never knew there was anything for us out there!"

Thanks to Manchester University, at the zine fair in Salford, and Bolton, Manchester and Chester Prides for having us. And hello everyone reading who signed up for these emails at one of those stalls!

BiCon came to Preston, which was very handy for us North West bis. Next summer it'll be over the Pennines in Leeds, by the way... but more about that nearer the time!
EuroBiCon returned.

The last Europe-wide bi conference had been away so long many of us thought we'd never see one again - the last had been in Dublin in 2003.

Amsterdam gave the bis a warm welcome and there were quite a few old BiPhoria faces who have moved elsewhere to catch up with.

Bi Visibility Day rocked including our street stall outside Bolton Town Hall on the day itself and a host of events locally and around the world that week, as the 18th Bi Vis Day was marked from Wakefield to the White House. 

That weekend also saw us shortlisted at the Bolton Pride Awards and one of our volunteers, Pierrette, on the shortlist for another category. Speaking of awards congrats to Jen who picked up both the LGBT Foundation Hero volunteering award and the MBE for services to the bisexual community. And BiUK followed in our footsteps getting shortlisted for the European Diversity Awards.

Those were some of our highlights (bi-lights?) from the year: how about you - and what would you like to see in 2017? Tell us in our survey!
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