Strive to Make a Difference
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SAMCEDA is proud to showcase the work of its members and partners.

For years, housing development in San Mateo County has not kept up with the thousands of new jobs added, and the problem has gotten worse in recent years. 

We all have an important role to play in closing the jobs-housing gap.  

Closing the jobs-housing gap will require us to work together to create and preserve more homes throughout San Mateo County.
The “Strides Toward Closing the Gap” represent the bold actions local leaders from government, business, institutions, and nonprofits are currently taking to increase housing Countywide and create more homes people can afford.

Visit, to view the Housing Toolkit and more information.
Thrive, The Alliance of Nonprofits for San Mateo County on November 17, 2016 will highlight the recently released report, "The Giving Code" at their Community Forum.

Why are Silicon Valley community-based organizations struggling to meet demand in one of the wealthiest and most sophisticated regions in the world? Why aren’t more Silicon Valley philanthropists directing their dollars toward local organizations and issues—in addition to national or global causes—and why hasn’t more entrepreneurial ingenuity been harnessed to solve local problems? What is the cause of these disconnects, and how might we help bring these two groups together in service of shared community.

Bay Area Council Economic Institute, released a report this month, "Solving the Housing Affordability Crisis.”
3 key takeaways from the report include;
  1. Policy matters.
  2. Building all type of housing is still the best way to alleviate housing cost burdens.
  3. It is not just about increasing supply, the overall impact on affordability matters.
To view the report, click here.

Copyright © 2016 San Mateo County Economic Development Association, All rights reserved.

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