Kingdom Feature
A "right now" word from the Lord.
"Are We At The End?"
Chapter 2, Part 2b
This article is a continuation of Chapter 2, Part 2.
Many have in confusion interpreted that Zionism and Judaism are one and the same, but this is far from the truth. Zionism is an organization of alleged Jews whose goal is to create a nation for Jewish people. The term Judaism represents Jewish people who practice a religion based on the Torah. While I realize that many of you have never given serious thought to a lot of what I am revealing through this book, I believe that this is one of the most important teachings that I have been led to release by the Holy Spirit.
Years ago the Holy Spirit taught me how to interpret prophecy, and I want to share with you this understanding. Prophecy in the Word of God should be interpreted not from the end of the last days, but from the beginning of the church age that began in the Book of Acts. So whenever we are using our prophetic eyeglasses, keep in mind that key scriptures will define the times that were, that are, and that are to come. {See Revelation 1:8 & 19}.
Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. Look at these scriptures:
"9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” {1 Timothy 6:9-10}
Within this revelation of scripture there is a prophetic connection with the false messiah who is the antichrist. The Bible reveals in II Thessalonians 2:3, and calls the false messiah the son of perdition, and the connection of how that would be would be seen through the ‘love of money.’ This has already played out to be true through the false Jews who orchestrated the greatest destruction of mankind through the wars that they financed and the genocide that was cleverly concealed throughout the nations of this world. {DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH}
Not all the biological Jewish people have been aware of what has been taking place through those who are false Jews, such as :
**How did a satanic symbol get placed on their national flag that has absolutely nothing to do with David, the Torah; but rather identifies with the tabernacle of Moloch and Chiun, the star of their gods, as spoken in Amos 5:26? {DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH}
**How the Prophet Hosea gives a true revelation of when the return of God’s true chosen people would take place, by simply reading Hosea 3:4-5. Please note that this is not happening among the majority of people who are living in the state of Israel right now where there is estimated that only 3% of the entire nation believes in the LORD their God, and David (prophetic reference to Jesus) their King.
**What was behind the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians upon the alleged return of the Jewish people to their homeland, and what the forces behind this movement were.
** What the Balfour Declaration of 1917 actually awarded to the Rothschild’s Zionist family, and how the nations of this world were manipulated to join forces with it.
**Who the Khazarian Ashkenazis really are, and how it is clearly documented that they are not true Jews but converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D.
**Why is King Jesus so disrespected, ill spoken of, in the official law and policy of the natural state of Israel that it is illegal to proselyte and convert those in Judaiam to Christianity, especially since they are the alleged chosen of God?
There are 4 basic platforms that the scripture is quite clear on that the false messiah will utilize in union with the spirit of antichrist in order to take mankind captive during the last days, and they are: {See Revelation 16, 17, & 18}
The guardians and enforcers of Kingdom Authority and Power in the last days will be the blood bought church and nothing else. We have been given the keys of the Kingdom, and are called to release that power against the forces of evil. {See Matthew 16:16-19}
We are in line for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost that will be unlike anything that has ever taken place on the face of the earth previously; therefore, let us arise and shine for our light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon us. {Isaiah 60:1-22}
With God’s Love and Peace,
Bro. Jerry Upton
For a printable copy of the whole article, "Are We At The End?" Chapter 2, Part 2", read more.