Dear Members & Colleagues
Thank you to members who provided proxies for the Australian Women Lawyers AGM held on Sunday 23 October 2016 in Melbourne. A total of 64 proxies were received for the AGM. With a strong number of proxies received from WLANSW members, this was a clear sign of a presence and support from WLANSW at a national level via our national body. For the outcome of the AGM please see the notice below.
We were delighted to see a good turn out among our members and colleagues at the Progress to Partnership – Law Firm Comparison Study Launch 2016 hosted by Ashurst 5.30pm Thursday 13th October The report, data and Press Release are now publicly available – please click here.


Support the organisation that has supported women in law since 1952.
For further information on joining or to renew your membership please contact
our office or visit our website.
Click here for the Membership Form.
We are currently firming up details for our AGM 22nd November, and Christmas events in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong.
Members will shortly be receiving the Notice for the AGM and Call for Nominations. If you are interested in getting more involved on a committee, please contact our Executive Officer, Kathryn Mc Kenzie at our office for further information executive@womenlawyersnsw.org.au or T: 0466 157 087.
We have great pleasure in congratulating Kate Williams SC, Kate Richardson SC and Kara Shead SC on their recent Silk appointments. We look forward to having as many male and female solicitors, barristers, members and colleagues as possible join us to celebrate and support the appointment of the new female Silks on the 3rd November.
Please see below for a summary of our upcoming events with links to the event details on our website:
Please check our Event Calendar (click here for details) for upcoming events as they are confirmed.
We look forward to your ongoing support and seeing you at an event soon.
Kind regards

Lee-May Saw
Australian Women Lawyers Annual General Meeting
The Australian Women Lawyers AGM was held on Sunday 23 October 2016 in Melbourne. Lee-May Saw attended the AGM as NSW Director and WLANSW Representative. The following representatives of state and territory member women lawyers’ associations were elected to the AWL Board of Directors at the AGM:
- Ann-Maree David, President, Director for Queensland and WLAQ Representative
- Lee-May Saw, Vice President, Director for New South Wales and WLANSW Representative
- Seva Iskandarli, Treasurer, Director for Tasmania and TWL Representative
- Bronwyn Haack, Secretary, Director for the Northern Territory and NTWLA Representative
- Elspeth Hensler, Director for Western Australia and WLWA Representative
- Diana Price, Director for Victoria and WBA (Vic) Representative
- Stephanie Milione, Director for Victoria and VWL Representative
- Liana Westcott, Director for the Australian Capital Territory and WLAACT Representative
- Leah Marrone, Director for South Australia and WLASA Representative.
WLANSW Members Standing for Upcoming NSW Bar Council Elections
Profiles of nominees standing for Bar Council elections are now available, with voting forms due at 1:00pm on Thursday 3 November 2016. We note the following WLANSW members who are standing for election and encourage members and colleagues to consider voting for these members:
- Chrissa Loukas SC
- Mary Walker
(please click here for link to information about candidates circulated in In Brief http://www.nswbar.asn.au/the-bar-association/bar-council-election-nominees)
2016 Women Silks Cocktail Celebration
5.30-7.30pm Thursday 3rd November 2016
Verandah Restaurant & B Wine Bar, 55-65 Elizabeth St, Sydney
The Women Barristers Forum in association with the Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW invite you to join us and distinguished guests for cocktails and canapes to celebrate the appointment of the 2016 Women Silks:
Kate Williams SC, Kate Richardson SC, Kara Shead SC
Guest Speaker:
The Hon Justice Margaret Beazley AO, President of the NSW Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of NSW. |
$88 PP (INC GST) – UNDER 5S – $80 PP (INC GST)
Rosalind Winfield Ph 9237 0551 winfield@stjames.net.au
Elizabeth Picker Ph 9220 6100 epicker@ebc44.com
Please click here for the registration and booking form.
NOTE: All enquiries & bookings are to be made direct with the Women Barristers Forum as noted above and on the form.
AGM & Annual End of Year Drinks – meet the new Executive Committee
5.30pm for AGM, 6pm for Christmas Cocktails, Tuesday 22nd November 2016
Union, University & Schools Club, 25 Bent Street, Sydney
Following our AGM at 5.30pm, The Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW invites you to join us and distinguished guests at 6pm for our annual end of year drinks event, and to meet the Executive Committee.
Members $40pp Non-Members $50pp, includes refreshments Please click here for the flyer with further details and registration form, or book and pay online |
Wollongong Christmas Drinks
5.30 – 7.30pm Wednesday 30th November 2016
Pepes on the Beach 2-14 Cliff Rd, Wollongong Beach
Join us beachside to celebrate and catch up with friends and colleagues for the festive season at beautiful Pepes on the Beach. Tickets include drinks and chef’s selection platters
PEPE’S on the Beach offers a slice of the Mediterranean with a hint of Bondi on the shores of North Wollongong Beach with stunning views. Taking full advantage of the beachside location, the venue has been transformed to offer all day drinks and dining with an alfresco option on the sun drenched large scale deck. Join us on the lower deck private cabanas! |
Members $40pp Non-Members $45pp (includes refreshments)
Please click here for the flyer with further details and registration form; book and pay online

Lawyers Weekly has provided a discounted rate of $300 +GST to attend the event. To redeem this offer, please visit the event website www.lawyersweeklyfutureforum.com.au and use the code ‘LWLinkedin’ during the registration process.
The future is now, and innovation is the key to survival in the legal world. The Lawyers Weekly Future Forum is the innovation event of the year – you don't want to miss it!
This ground-breaking one-day conference will reveal how you can embrace disruptive technological changes and business innovation to succeed and lead in the increasingly competitive legal sector.
Our stellar line-up of top innovative thought leaders will share their insights on:
- The future of law
- Cyber security
- Artificial intelligence
- Collaboration in the future
- Harnessing mobile technology
- Reaping the benefits of video communications
- Top applications and tools for lawyers
Plus more!
Bias: Conscious and Unconscious in Judicial Adjudication
Wednesday, 9th November 5-7PM Herbert Smith Freehills 161 Castlereagh Street Sydney
Symmetra has great pleasure in inviting you to an address by a South African jurist of international repute, Justice Dennis Davis. This event will be hosted by Herbert Smith Freehills.
Justice Davis’ address will focus upon racist, sexist and political influences articulated or hidden in key judgements from the courts of South Africa, UK, USA and other jurisdictions.
Justice Davis is a judge of the High Court of South Africa, based in Cape Town, and is also Judge President of the South African Competition Appeals Court.
Justice Davis also holds a professorial post at the University of Cape Town where he teaches tax law, constitutional law, and competition theory. He also has been a visiting professorial lecturer at the universities of Harvard, Melbourne, Toronto, New York, Brown, Florida, and Georgetown.
This is likely to be a most stimulating and thought-provoking event and we look forward to your attendance. Please feel free to pass this invitation to any legal colleagues who may be interested. Seating is limited, so please reserve your place today.
Register |
Trading Up: Accessing Opportunities for Australian Business in Asia will represent the largest convergence of Australian business chambers and businesses in Asia, 10-11 November 2016 in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malayasia. This will provide all participants with access to a wide range of business contacts in one convenient location.
> Australian Companies in the early stages of expanding into Asia
> Australian Companies already in established in Asia
> Asian Companies with linkages with Australia or doing business with Australia
Full Discount rate to WLANSW members (20% which is the same as ABA Members)
Click here for further details and registration.
One in five Australians experience a mental illness in any year. The November 2016 Salvos Legal Lecture Series explores the implications of this significant social issue for legal practice.
The program features expert speakers addressing a range of topics including: the Mental Health Review Tribunal, the role of a Guardian-ad-Litem, the interaction between addiction, mental illness and the criminal justice system, effective approaches for working with clients suffering from mental illness, and strategies for promoting the psychological well-being of legal practitioners.
All funds raised from this event go to fund the work of Salvos Legal Humanitarian, providing pro bono legal assistance to vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our community.
Click here to find out more. |
Set against the backdrop of Kuala Lumpur, one of the region’s fastest growing tech hubs; The LAWASIA IP & Technology Conference will see legal professionals from the Asia-Pacific region come together for a lively exchange on the complex and existing challenges of IP and Technology law in today’s rapidly changing climate.
With carefully designed program featuring expert speakers, this two-day event will provide an opportunity for lawyers, judges, legal academics and all stakeholders in the legal sector with an interest in IP and technology to exchange ideas and network with peers.

The World Business Forum Sydney will take place on 31st May & 1st June 2017 at The Star Event Centre.
Each year it attracts over 2,000 senior level executives from throughout Australia and New Zealand.
We have recently finalised our program for next year’s event which includes:
- Arianna Huffington - President & Editor-in-chief of Huffington Post Media Group, on New Management
- Daniel Goleman – Renowned psychologist and Author of Emotional Intelligence, on Emotional Intelligence
- Jimmy Wales - Founder of Wikipedia, on Disruption
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter – Professor at Harvard Business School, on Strategy
- Randi Zuckerberg - Former Marketing Director at Facebook, on Digital Transformation
- Mohan Sawhney - Professor at Kellogg School of Management, on Innovation
- Ken Seagall - Former Creative Director at Apple, on Marketing
- Ian Williamson - Professor of Leadership at Melbourne Business School, on Leadership
For more information please visit: www.wbfsydney.com

Let's stop talking about the challenges women face.
Now is your time to feel empowered, step up and stand out!
The Women in Leadership Series explores these challenges with a positive and proactive outlook. Thousands of women across the region have been inspired and equipped with the skills, strategies and confidence to reach their goals and overcome obstacles on the path to leadership.
Liquid Learning in partnership with WILMA are excited to finally unveil The 20th Women in Leadership Summit 2017
Please feel free to pass this email onto colleagues and ensure they are on our email list for future updates and invitations.