<<First Name>>, we're writing with two Guest Pass invitations for classes you can attend this week plus a reminder that 4th Friday Open Mic is this Friday, 10/28. In a month in which a songwriter has earned the Nobel Prize, here's to you for the important work you do.

• Mon 10/24, 7:30-9:30pm: We have 5 Guest Spots available to observe Class 1 of Music Theory & Ear Training for Songwriters, Level 1. If you do not have a theory background and want to become a stronger melody writer, craft stronger chord progressions, or want to better understand what songs you love are doing so you can trust the choices you make in your own songs, this class is for you.

To claim your Guest Pass for this on-campus only class, REPLY with your full name, cell #, and note that you are local and would be attending in person this Monday night, 10/24 7:30pm. We will reply to confirm if you have one of the five invitations. After the test drive, you are welcome to enroll in the 7-wk course. Read more here:

• Thur 10/27, 8-10pm: Class 1 of The Professional Singer-Songwriter, with decorated indie artist and charting songwriter Nikhil Korula. Class mixes song craft, style, promotion & booking, performance, and more into an 8-meeting training ground for performing singer-songwriters. ONLINE ALSO. RSVP to reserve your spot, contact info, whether you are attending online or in-person. You are welcome to bring a friend. There is space if you decide to enroll in the full course. Read more here:

The 4th Friday Open Mic for this month falls this Friday 10/28, 7:30pm sign-in, 8pm show. Coming? Reserve your spot at this link:

Thank you for your part in this creative community. This work you do matters. Let us know how we can be of assistance.

P.S. There is a special Fall Intensive of THE ROOTS songwriting class M-F 12-3pm 11/28-12/9. Still a few spots remain. Please REPLY with questions or to declare your interest. You can enroll at the School site.

P.P.S. Watch Class 1 of Writing Commercial Hit Lyrics with Platinum Writer Mark Winkler, The Modern Mindset Music Business Class, & How to Write & Pitch a Country Song, with Multi-Platinum writer Kevin Fisher as our Guest:
All 3 classes can be joined, in-class or online. Reply with any questions.

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