Newsletter | October 2016 | Volume 2
A luxury, high-end residential project designed for Mr. Parveen Jain, it has been designed with a comprehensive automation strategy where, every device has a remote and is connected to a system which is controllable from within or outside the house. With a simple touch from the iPad - lighting, shades, AC, Music, Tata Sky and TV, Video, cameras, the main door lock etc., everything is controllable. The system is designed for simplicity and with Anusha Group's expertise, a very simple user interface is designed that is easy to use and to understand.
HomeWorks QS is a complete Lutron Lighting Control System for residences, that can integrate lighting, shades and HVAC in the house. The client gets to interface with the system via attractive looking back-lit keypads which are customized to make the usage simple. In areas where wiring for keypads is not possible, the system offers option for wireless RF keypads. With an inbuilt time clock, the scenes are activated in common areas depending upon time of day. Control of the system is also possible via other AV control system such as Crestron. The client also gets the benefit of energy saving.
We are proud to announce that MondoArc has featured our Automation System for S.P Jain Global Management School, Mumbai in their Sept - Oct issue.
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Our Locations
Delhi | 
D- 20, LGF, Jungpura Extn. New Delhi 110014
Mumbai | 10, Ashirwad Building, 2nd Floor, Sion Main Road, Sion (West), Mumbai 400022
Bengaluru | 136, 1st Floor, S.S Complex, 18th Main, 100ft Road, HAL 2nd stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru 560008

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