Talk it, think it, dream it - what is it all about?
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This is a picture of some of the actual baptisms that took place at the end of our students three week evangelism effort in two villages.
More baptisms!  People accepting Jesus as their Saviour! 
2016 School of Evangelism Article
For the carrying on of His work, Christ did not choose the learning or eloquence of the Jewish Sanhedrin or the power of Rome. Passing by the self-righteous Jewish teachers, the Master Worker chose humble, unlearned men to proclaim the truths that were to move the world. These men He purposed to train and educate as the leaders of His church. They in turn were to educate others and send them out with the gospel message. That they might have success in their work they were to be given the power of the Holy Spirit. Not by human might or human wisdom was the gospel to be proclaimed, but by the power of God.  {AA 17.1}
“Surround yourself with those of the same Mission as you.”
 Evangelism will probably remain a challenge as long as time last. There are so many people who talk evangelism, think evangelism, dream evangelism but who have a hard time to understand what evangelism is all about. Partly because they do not understand and that may be accompanied by those they have allowed to surround them in this mission. When you are surrounded by negative minded people you may sooner or later discover that your mission is impossible and when you are with positive minded people you see opportunities that make your heart throb with anticipation.
When Jesus called the 12, he had a mission. The mission was to develop this team into one consolidated principled group that recognizes the beauty of diversity but at the same time, to acknowledge their weaknesses and see an opportunity to appreciate the strengths of others.
The year 2016 has had its blessings in disguise in the school of evangelism. A full class for the first and second session with an overflow. Usually this is a composition of people from different (cultural, educational, social, spiritual, economic, regional etc. though same nation) back grounds and each is fully convinced that he/she has been called by God to evangelize. In their diversity they each have some peculiar strengths to offer but of which the others know nothing of.
The method Jesus used when He had this team is still applicable in our day and if we faithfully and prayerfully consider and follow His ways, we shall all rejoice at the end of the day. Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me."--The Ministry of Healing, p. 143.  {ChS 119.3} 
With such an understanding, our school teaching staff has always been praying for wisdom and guidance from the Master Teacher so we can best represent Him to them (students) who in return should do so to others.
Practical education to make them self-reliant and to not be a burden, the use of what they have at hand has been brought to their attention so as to arouse awareness of the potential that lies dormant unknown to the possessor. In these we are able to see teachers, preachers, sales personnel, leaders, medical missionaries, farmers, economists and name them all. If and when rightly trained, each can be an evangelist in his own way or style. The work of evangelism is so broad that we sometimes have no idea of the sphere it covers. A mother at home, a driver on the road, a farmer in the field, the mechanic in the garage, the teacher in the school, the sweeper in the streets, the house boy or girl and above all, any one that has influence is evangelising in one way or the other. All are placed where their influence can be powerful for God’s glory.
Two young people attending our program have been trained as secondary school teachers and now they can see and envision souls for the Kingdom. One whose career is carpentry is seeing raw materials for spiritual furniture. The rough and unattractive boards are perceived as well polished ready to be placed where they will be valued and cherished. Evangelism really has to do with seeing the potential beyond the ordinary view.
True as it is, for us all this is a privilege and opportunity, to be place where one can influence someone to the glory of God. Wearing a smile, offering a piece of advice, praying for and with someone, a short friendly visit, giving a minute or two to listening, putting oneself in the one’s place, refusing to be critical, to uplift others and serving where we are able may be tools powerful enough to present the One whom we confess to be our All.
October 16 saw us splitting our team into two for evangelistic meetings from Kibidula. One in Ilasa to the far east about 106 km and to Njojo about 35km south of Kibidula. Gladly we found the local teams waiting for our arrival and no time was wasted for the Ilasa team as they began their series a few hours later. By the time of writing this article the news is that meetings are going on very well.
“Positive thinkers will always find a solution to every problem and negative thinkers will always find problems with every solution.” So it with evangelism.
Sylvester Temboh
School of Evangelism
In the set of four pictures you can see one of the meetings, a healthy food preparation class, teaching, and singing from these two efforts.
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