
 Volume 3| Issue # 1| November 2016

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The Fall Season Continues

The AdamBots have continued to stay busy in October and November. We held outreach programs in the local community. We welcomed new members to the team through welcoming systems. The FIRST team competed in an off-season competition and the OCCRA team completed most of their competition season. 

General Motors

FCA Foundation

R&G Drummer


Valeo Thermal Systems


State of Michigan

Rochester Advanced Dentistry

Magna Powertrain

Magna Seating Shelby Foam Systems

Tek Pros Today

Karen Bennett

Rochester Community Schools

Family and friends

Thank you all so much!

OCCRA Championships
November 19, 2016

FLL Competition
November 19, 2016

FIRST Season Prep Meeting
December 1, 2016

Rochester Hometown Christmas Parade
December 4, 2016

FIRST Game Reveal
January 7, 2017

Our team operates year-round, so we are appreciative of all donations, whether they are monetary or otherwise. If you would like to contribute, please contact us at:

Examples include internships, welding mentors, build space, etc.
For the most up to date information on our team, check out our website at

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On November 12, the AdamBots competed at the Bloomfield Hills Girls Competition. This event emphasizes the role of women on the team. Only female students may drive or work on the robot. However, the team as a whole came to offer support. This competition is the last competitive use of the 2016 FIRST robot. We were seeded 13th out of 32 teams and were selected for the 4th seed alliance. At the end of the competition, our Mentor Mrs. McBride was awarded with the Female Mentor of the Year. Additionally, this event awards four scholarships. One of the AdamBots, Megan Sochanski, won this honor.

Excitement for the 2017 FIRST season builds with the end of the previous year's game. FIRST released a video introducing the upcoming game. The hint raises interest in the game but does not reveal the challenge.
With the arrival of new students, we had programs to welcome them to the team. One of these was the Leadership Boot Camp on October 8. At this event, students participate in team building activities using our Core Values. We also held weekly rookie workshops for new students. These meetings teach a base knowledge of topics including hand tools, safety, business, programming, power tools, and team culture. As well as learning useful skills, new students discover what jobs they are most interested in, assisting in selecting sub-teams later on.
The teaser video of the upcoming FIRST game Steamworks

Fall K-12 Education and Outreach

The AdamBots have focused on community outreach this fall. One of our focal points is K-12 STEM education. We have continued to conduct BASES classes at local elementary schools. Additionally, starting in early October, the AdamBots have mentored students for FLL (FIRST Lego League). We invited 4th and 5th grade students from Long Meadow Elementary and Brewster Elementary. Twice a week AdamBots team members introduce concepts and guide students through building robots to complete several tasks. They will be put to the test on November 19 when the students have their competition.
The OCCRA team has been going strong. The first competition on October 22 at West Bloomfield started out rocky, but by the end we had a successfully performing robot and had won a match. We made tremendous improvement by the second competition on October 27 at Our Lady of the Lakes. Our team was recognized with the Judge's Award for overall excellence of program. After this, the AdamBots hosted a competition on November 5. Our whole team prepared and cleaned up the field before and after the event, as well as staying to support the OCCRA team. The team performed exceptionally. We placed 4th, missing the podium by tiebreakers only. Most recently, the team competed at Seaholm on November 10. We will be having the OCCRA Championships on November 19 at Walled Lake.

Beyond engineering education, the AdamBots volunteered at several events. On October 16, we went to Dinosaur Hill to clean up after the Halloween Hoot. We also held our annual Hunger Walk on October 30. We walked at the Rochester Municipal Park to raise money for the Rochester Hills Neighborhood House. The team raised over $400. Future outreach plans include walking in the Rochester Hometown Christmas Parade

Save the Date

In the upcoming winter season, our team will host Meet the AdamBots. This outreach event is a tour of our facilities during the peak of the build season. The AdamBots welcome sponsors, school faculty, and anyone else interested in the team. We would like to ask to take 90 minutes of your time to show you who we are, what we do, and what we are made of. 
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