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November 2016 Newsletter

New Look Pasda Newsletter

The summer is sadly over but do not worry the Pasda Newsletter is back online to keep you warm through the winter nights!
We want the content of our newsletter to be as relevant as possible so please let us know of any suggestions you have.  

Items can be emailed to
Pasda Welcomes
Louise & Richard to the team!

Richard and Louise are looking forward to getting around ot all the groups to introduce themselves and to get involved in supporting carers of adults with ASD.

Louise will continue to co-ordinate Pasda's Community Garden at Craigie's Farm whilst she starts her new position as our Facilitator and Liasion person at Norton Park. Please contact Louise if you need travel assistance on the day to Craigie Farm.
Cath Purdie and Tom Wightman have been selected by ballot to attend the the fifth Carers' Parliament will be held on the 2nd of November 2016 at Heriot-Watt University, 
One of the Scottish Government's key manifesto commitments was to establish a Carers Parliament. This is a forum providing carers, young carers, and carer representatives from across Scotland an opportunity to discuss and debate matters important to them.
Scottish Ministers, MSPs, and other decision makers are able to hear directly from delegates, to hear of their knowledge and experiences, and participate in debates and discussions.

We would love to hear from any other carers in Edinburgh and the Lothians

Pasda Library Resource
At Pasda we currently have over 150 quality books on the Autistic Spectrum Disorder & Aspergers. Please come and make use of this wonderful resource. The collection of books approach these subjects from many interesting angles and point of view and offer the reader a great wealth of knowledge, it is a great resource for the carers of adults with autism that Pasda aims to support 

Visit to view what books we have on offer!

If you would like to borrow one of these books then please contact  

Or call us on 0131 475 2416 to arrange getting books out to you.


The Pasda Library on autism books and related topics, such as behaviour therapy, course work and novels, is a great resource for carers. A complete list of our books is on the web site, (link).

We would be grateful if you could take a moment to check if you have any of our Library books in your possession. If you  have finished reading  any of the books , then please return them to our office at Norton Park . Or you could bring the book along to any of our groups you may be attending. If this is difficult, please let us know and we will arrange for the books to be collected.

If you are still reading your borrowed book please let us know and we will be able to record the information on its location. This will  enable us to advise Carers who are waiting on certain books being returned.
We keep adding to the list and welcome any suggestions for purchase or discussion.
If you have read an autism related book and would like to share your thoughts with others we would love to hear from you. Would you consider writing a short article for our Newsletter?


This year's Carers Rights Day is taking place on Friday 25 November 2016. 

The theme for Carers Rights Day 2016 is 'Missing out? Know your rights as a carer'.

Last year over 1,000 carers’ support groups, carers’ organisations, local authorities, GP surgeries, hospitals, businesses and others got involved reaching thousands of carers with information and advice.

Sign up now to hold an event to help carers find out about their rights.

Pasda Treasurer Wanted! 
Pasda are currently looking for someone to take on the role of Treasurer in the committee. If this is something you would like to get involved with then please contact the office on 0131 476 2416.
Or email Susan Chambers

We look forward to hearing from you!
Diary Dates

The Community Garden will continue to meet every Thursday morning at 10 am at the Community Hut at Craigies.

Partners & Spouses Group
Thursday 3rd November, 6.30 -8.30pm at Vocal 8 - 13 Johnstone Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2PW

Pasda Singing Group
2nd & 16th November, 2 - 3 pm, Morningside United Church, Holy Corner, Edinburgh EH10 4DH

Coffee Morning
Friday 11th November, 10am - 12pm, Number 6, 24 Hill Street, Edinburgh EH2 3JZ

Weekend Coffee Morning
26th November, 10 - 12pm Lloyds No. Playfair, Omni Centre, Greenside Row, Edinburgh EH1 3AA 
Midlothian Carers Group 
Tuesday 8th November 7 - 8.30pm, Penicuik Town Hall, Penicuik EH26 8HS.

Edinburgh Carers Group
Wednesday 9th November, 7 - 9 pm, Number 6, 24 Hill Street, Edinburgh EH10 4DH

West Lothian Carers Group
Wednesday 16th November, 6.30 - 8pm, Almond House, Quarrywood Court, Livingston EH54 6AX TBC

Autism and Complex Needs Group
Monday 28th November, 10.30am - 12pm, Baird Room, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh EH7 5QY

East Lothian Carers Group
Thursday 24th November, 6.30 - 8.30 pm, Carers of East Lothian, 94 Musselburgh High Street, Musselburgh EH21 7EA

Walking Group
Friday 18th November. (Information at bottom of Newsletter)


It's that time again folks, there's only 55 days til Christmas! We are hoping you will join us to eat drink and be merry. We're holding our Christmas social event for Carers at The Newsroom. The event is a chance for carers to get some respite from caring and socialise with fellow carers in the community. It will be at the same venue as last year so it should be easy to find. The Newsroom is a central location on Leith St, opposite the St. James' Shopping Centre. There will be a quiz and a prize for the eggheads, a buffet, music and chance to let your hair down and talk with fellow carers in your community. So make sure you come on down! 

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

The Rosie Project is a 2013 Australian novel and the debut work of Australian novelist Graeme Simsion
The story is about Dan, a university genetics professor, aged 40, in Melbourne Australia. He knows he has Asperger’s Syndrome and many routines including his shopping, cooking and exercise which occupy a lot of his time. There is something missing in his life and he approaches the search for the perfect partner in the same way he would plan for research methods. He makes a list of what he wants from the perfect wife and then drafts a questionnaire with points awarded for correct answers eg smoking, operating system, favourite ice-cream. He distributes the questionnaire and meets some of the respondents but Rosie enters his life and would not score highly in his list but they start an adventure together.
It is amusing in parts and does illustrate some of the difficulties Asperger’s people have with escaping routines and social skills in tense situations. It is not typical and many people with autism would not be able to function as a lecturer or manage the pressure of university life.
I don’t know if I learnt anything new or gained insight into the Asperger’s way of thinking.  I found the writing style a bit turgid at times and unless you knew something about research methods or university life it might be difficult. The reason I read the book was because my daughter with Asperger’s read it recently. In order to discuss the characters I read it as well and asked her about the details.  Her reply was neither Dan or Rosie appeared well matched at the beginning and they faced communication difficulties but in the end they had an adventure and worked together. The Rosie Project gave her hope.

Are you a carer or parent carer managing a support package on behalf of someone or thinking of employing a personal assistant?

The Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL) is offering the first of a series of workshops. 

The first workshop topics will be looking at:
  • How having confidence to be an employer is important.
  • Key responsibilities, skills and qualities of an employer.
  • Managing staff and boundaries and being able to have “those difficult conversations” with staff.
Workshop date:
Date: 23rd November 2016
Time: 10.30 – 12.30 followed by lunch until 1pm

To book a place, or find out more:
Please contact Amanda Beech on 0131 475 2510
or email

Pasda Community Garden

Our community garden is still a huge success at Craigies!  The garden has gone from strength to strength and we now have 3 plots!  We have pictures showing our progress at

Please come along and join us every Thursday morning.  

Louise is our green fingered Community Garden Worker, she will be more than happy to give you any information you need. The community garden is a great way to connect with other carers, muck in and grow some wonderful vegetables!  

Come along it's great fun!
Our first crop of potatoes from the Pasda Garden!

‘From Cygnet to Swan’  by Sarah Lomax
4 October 2016 at Strathclyde University

                In October 2015, my daughter Sarah and  attended a Scottish Women’s Autistic Network (SWAN) conference, At this meeting some of the ‘Swans’ had been very impressed with the way Sarah was happy to explain and discuss some of her experiences. As a result a few months ago SWAN invited Sarah to give a presentation on her journey from childhood to adulthood at the 2016 seminar.
                There were about 40 delegates, made up of girls with Autism, mothers of girls with Autism and professionals.  Some were people we already knew, and some we had met at the conference the previous year. We spent quite a few weeks preparing her presentation, as I did not want to put pressure on her or ‘freak her out’ by working too fast. In the last week before the conference, we practised the presentation a few times.  A  couple of days before the seminar , she became really stressed and at times I thought we might have to pull out.  However, I kept reminding her of the help she would be giving to girls younger than her who still had that journey to make, this always calmed her down.
             On the day of the seminar, I sent some photos to the organiser, Jayne, and she made them  into a power point presentation for us.  My 2nd daughter Catriona decided to come with us too, so that she could film the event, leaving me available in case Sarah needed extra support.  We went to Glasgow very early, partly to beat the traffic but also so that we could have a look around when it was quiet.  This worked really well as we were first to arrive and able to spend time with Jayne. We agreed that Jayne would set the powerpoint images to run on a loop and was visible on screen while Sarah was giving her oral presentation – this included pictures of her sisters, her dogs, her Facebook blog ‘In Stitches with Aspergers’, SAM Radio and her charity project ‘Little Dresses for Africa’. 
You can see them in the video  

            Sarah gave the first presentation, followed by Dr Catriona Stewart and Dr Claire Evans-Williams. The presentation went really well, and once all 3 speakers had finished, there was a question and answer session.  I thought this might be difficult for Sarah, but she was so pleased after the presentation that she coped really well.  All 3 speakers answered every question, so that was really good to hear the different perspectives.

Following the seminar, the feedback we received was fantastic:

“Satisfied with the positive message put across throughout the evening on the achievements of speakers especially Sarah Lomax”
“I felt the talk from Sarah Lomax was superb. Her confidence was amazing. To listen to other people’s experiences is fabulous in raising awareness and highlighting what autistic people can achieve”
“Sarah was spot on with her term everyone is different. No 2 cows have the same prints. I am so pleased and grateful to be part of this evening. Many thanks”
“Speakers were all wonderful”

“Thoroughly enjoyed the evening – positivity restored!”
Following the seminar, Sarah was on such a high.  She talked about it to everyone we met, and on her SAM Radio show.  We have now been asked if Sarah will do her presentation again at another seminar in November/December, which has further boosted her confidence!
Catherine Lomax
21 October 2016
Next Walking Group
This month we shall be walking the 3 mile stretch of the Union Canal between Kingsknowe Station and Lochrin Basin , Edinburgh.
Meet Cath at 10am near to the steps of the Scottish National Gallery at the Mound (EH2 2EL)
We will board the 44 Lothian bus to Dovecot Grove before alighting.
After we have completed our walk, we shall go for a light lunch at one of the cafes in the Fountainbridge area.
If you intend to join us please let Cath know by emailing her.
Fresh air and being in nature is the best medicine!

ASD and Anxiety -
The Curly Haired Project

by Tori Chamberlain


£16.62 – £34.78

Don't forget to tune in to


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