Read about the Xactly updates for November!
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Happy November! The Xactly product suite will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on November 18th, 2016, starting at 6pm PT. There are no new features or training webinars this month. Stay tuned for our next feature release in December!


New Xactly Help Center
We have introduced a new Help Center that organizes all documentation in a structured and searchable manner. Click here to see the new site.

Feel free to provide feedback as we continue to add more features and enhance the resources to better support you. You can email us at the following address:

Xactly Connect SOAP APIs - WSDL Updates
The October release enhanced the Xactly Connect SOAP API to enable developers to do the following operations:

  1. Search for a list of batches by batch type - A new field is available on UserBatchWSO called 'batchTypeID' to search batches based on batch type
  2. Search for batch types - A new object called BatchTypeWSO is exposed, enabling users to search and list one or all batch types available
Download the WSDL file here to start using these search features. The October release WSDL is fully backward compatible with the previous WSDL file so there is no loss of functionality.

Note: The upcoming December release features a new WSDL file that includes the saved Batch Type ID in the response as part of the newly-added field uuIds (for the persist 'batch type' API). Stay tuned for the new WSDL as this will require an update if you are currently saving the 'batch type' object.

We are working hard to make sure your Xactly experience is optimized. Stay posted for our next newsletter, and follow us using the social links below!

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