A New Era of Evidence-Based Policy?
The 2016 APPAM Fall Research Conference is featuring research on poverty and inequality policy by many CPI affiliates. The sessions include a November 3rd online symposium on the equality of education and a related panel - organized by Richard Murnane and featuring papers by Ann Owens, Sean Reardon, and Timothy Smeeding - that examines the effects of rising income inequality on educational outcomes for the poor.
Criminal Justice and Inequality
The Russell Sage Foundation is soliciting articles for an upcoming journal issue devoted to understanding how contact with the criminal justice system creates, maintains, and exacerbates social inequality in the United States. Proposals are due by January 15, 2017.
Ending Poverty with Technology
Will robots, automation, and technology eliminate work and increase poverty? Or can technology instead be used to reduce – perhaps even end – poverty? The CPI’s Poverty and Technology Lab will be rolled out with a new course, led by CPI director David Grusky, in which students are asked to design and build interventions to reduce poverty. Enrollment is now open.
Do you need a crash course on poverty and inequality? It’s not too late to enroll in our free online course featuring forty of the country’s top scholars. Course professor David Grusky will be joining the discussion forum on Tuesday, November 15 to answer student questions. Sign up here.
The Winner-Take-All Economy
Cornell professor Robert Frank explains how small differences in performance lead to enormous differences in reward in this five-minute video from the course.
Women’s Economic Empowerment
What can be done to improve women’s economic lot? A new paper by CPI research group leader H. Elizabeth Peters and her co-authors finds that improved access to public services, reforms in inheritance laws, family-friendly workplace policies, and a reduction in violence would foster female participation in the economy.
Assessing Mobile Health Interventions
University of Michigan professor Susan Murphy considers what kind of context and timing is most useful for delivering mobile health interventions. Please RSVP to afrooz@stanford.edu.
Monday, November 7, McClelland Building, Room M104, 12:45pm
Presidential Politics: America Unequal
CPI director David Grusky, research group leader Sean Reardon, and Race Forward research director Dominique Apollon will participate in this panel discussion exploring economic inequality and race in the 2016 presidential election.
Monday, November 7, NVIDIA Auditorium, 7pm
The New York Philharmonic in the Gilded Age
Columbia University professor Shamus Khan explores how cultural participation cemented elite status in late 19th-century America.
Thursday, November 10, Mendenhall 101, 12:30pm
Against Type
Comedy writers Amy Aniobi and Tracy Oliver, whose credits include Silicon Valley, The Neighbors, and The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl, discuss changing representations of race in film and TV.
Monday, November 28, Terrace Room, Margaret Jacks Hall, 5pm
Crook County
Temple University professor Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve examines racism and injustice in Chicago-Cook County, home to the largest criminal courthouse in the country.
Wednesday, November 30, Brandon Room, Black Community Services Center, 12pm