October 2016
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We urge Santa Clara County residents to vote Yes on “Measure A”, a bond measure passed unanimously by the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to create affordable housing for people with disabilities and other vulnerable citizens.

The people with developmental disabilities whom we serve at Greater Opportunities were typically born and raised here. This is their home community. Yet, many experience enormous difficulty finding affordable housing.

Our consumers typically receive support for food, clothing, and shelter from Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Payments are capped at $889 per month. This amount reaches only 90% of the Federal Poverty Level - far below what it actually costs to live on the Peninsula.

Providing adequate housing for our most vulnerable citizens is a moral imperative. Show your fellow community members that you care. Vote Yes on Measure A on November 8.
For more information, see:

Craig C. King
Executive Director
Greater Opportunities
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 700
Santa Clara, CA 95050
408-248-4464 x23

Award-Winning Staff

We are very proud of our award-winning staff! Renee Brose, Waisacke Isaac Drauna, and Laisiana Drauna were honored on October 22 for their outstanding work by the San Andreas Regional Center. Over 400 people attended the Service Above Self Awards Dinner to celebrate their success!
Renee, Day Program Coordinator, was honored as Support Staff of the Year for her upbeat, creative and inspiring leadership.
Laisiana and Isaac (3rd and 4th from left), Personal Assistants in the Supported Living Program, are awarded with Recognition of Merit for their dedicated, compassionate, in-home caregiving support.

Happy Halloween!

Ghouls and goofiness rule Halloween day at Greater Opportunities. Consumers and staff had a blast hanging hand-made decorations and creating a haunted house. And the costumes – what a hoot!
See the Photos!
We regularly post about the lives of our consumers and important information for people with developmental disabilities. Just follow this link!
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