Strata News & Information
Hello <<First Name>>
We have an exceptional offer from ElectMaven, who are looking for input in the development of their digital strata voting platform. For details and to see if this offer may be of interest to you, read more here.
Catch up on the latest Q&As, with these latest articles:
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Attn: Strata Managers, Building Managers,
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THE Strata Directory provides a dedicated database of businesses and services for strata managers and owners. Looking for a strata lawyer, financial advisor, plumber and electrician or maybe maintenance work is required. Australia wide - you'll find what you're looking for here.
Interested in digital strata voting? We’re looking for strata management groups to talk to
We are a startup called ElectMaven developing a digital strata voting platform. We are looking for strata management companies who can help us understand our customers needs. Is that you? If so, we have a very special offer for you.
QLD: Q&A Is it a Conflict of Interest for the Chairman to be a Paid Caretaker?
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Question: Can a lot owner be both the caretaker and the Chairman of their scheme? Is this a strata executive committee conflict of interest?
NSW: Strata Managers connected with developers are ineligible for appointment
Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
One of the most significant changes that will come into effect with the NSW Strata Reforms is that a developer or person who is connected with the developer cannot be a strata manager for 10 years after the strata plan is registered.
Breaching Gas Bottle Storage Requirements in Strata
Peter Greenham, Independent Inspections
The use and installation of large gas bottles have been a topic of discussion for a number of strata schemes in the last couple of weeks. Have you assessed this at your scheme?
QLD: Q&A Approval for Hail Damaged Strata Roof Repair
Amanda Hoy, Strata Vote
Question: For a roof repair, does the Body Corporate need 2 quotes and if a specific amount is not specified, is the motion out of order?
NSW: Q&A Committee Secretary Duties - Are the Meetings Valid?
Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: Our secretary does not issue a notice and agenda details of the meeting to owners on our notice board or by any other means. By breaching committee secretary duties, are the meetings and decisions still valid?
The Immense Power Held by Strata Owners - PODCAST
Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property featuring Cathy Sherry
We discuss the immense power our State Governments have given to private citizens - strata lot owners - in the form of the power to make bylaws.
WA: Reforms Reduce Delays in Staged Developments
A staged strata developments are schemes that are developed in stages, rather than one which is already complete when the plan is first registered.
4 Tips - Balcony Safety Ideas
Hollie Bell, Anti Grabbity
Four balcony safety ideas for owners corporations and individual lot owners to use as a checklist, helping to keep balconies safe in your building.
Did you know......NSW Reforms
There are just 29 - yes 29 - days until the NSW reforms kick in!
Wondering how you will keep up with the changes to Legislation over the next few months?
Which Acts are changing and when? How can you easily access the new Acts?
See the 'New South Wales' tab on our Strata Legislation page for details about the upcoming changes to NSW Legislation. This information has been provided by Leanne Habib, Premium Strata.
Don't forget to bookmark the page - it's an excellent resource and one of the most viewed pages on our site!
Western Australian Planning Commission
Design WA is a State Government initiative to ensure good design is at the centre of all development in Western Australia. It aims to create cities, towns and neighbourhoods where people want to live, work and socialise, now and long into the future.
Comments on the draft Design WA set of policies can be made via the online feedback form until COB 20 December 2016.
Michael Teys, Block Lawyers
While an essential document if written properly, according to Michael Teys, a defects report should do more than list every crack and creak in a building.
Most Read Article From Last Week's Newsletter
NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Refuse to Release Building Defects Report
Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: Our Owners Corporation will not release a building defects report detailing defects to our terrace. Floor tiles are drummy and water damage is now occurring.