Nov. 2, Wednesday, starts 6 pm
"Gifting Event”
Native Americans/Alaskans
Held at:
Keller Elementary School
3730 Montebello Dr. West
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918
Nov. 5, Saturday, start 12 noon
"Gifting Event”
Denver Gabriel House, St. James Parish
1341 Oneida St., Denver 80220
Nov. 19, Saturday Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway,
Littleton, CO 80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)
Dec. 1, Thursday, start 5 pm
"Gifting Event”
Holly Park Apartments/Mercy Housing
5524 E. 60th Ave, Commerce City 80022
Dec. 9, Friday, time to be announced
"Gifting Event”
Bright Stars Head Start
321 S. Yates St., Denver 80219
Dec. 16, Friday, time to be announced
"Gifting Event”
Bright Stars Head Start
321 S. Yates St., Denver 80219
Date & Time to be announced
"Gifting Event”
Denver Rescue Mission/Crossing
6090 Smith Road, Denver 80216
NO “Pack & Pray” in December!
January 21, 2017, Saturday Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton 80121
Reminder: There will be Treasure Time Gifting Events added as agencies set dates, check our website and look at the CALENDAR! www.sweetdreaminabag.org
Please--- if you can help with any Event call Susie 303-507-2098 or email: Susie@sweetdreaminabag.org
Updated: 10/27/2016