General Club Meeting Wednesday, November 9th 

Offshore Tavern
2253 Morena Blvd
San Diego, 92110

Click here for directions

Meeting this Wednesday at our new indoor meeting location. General meeting starts at 6:00pm, come early to socialize. 

Please remember to keep talking to a minimum while the meeting is in progress so that everyone can hear the announcements, there is plenty of time to socialize before and after. 
CHILI Cook-off TIME CHANGE!!! Please read if you are attending

Please look for an eblast on Thursday morning or come to the meeting on Wednesday to confirm the final arrival time. The time may change from 4:00 to 3:00. We apologize for the inconvenience but we hadn't thought of the Daylight Saving Time when we planned the start time. Once we get the "ok" from guests that have already signed up and the chili cooks that they can make the new time, we will make the decision on the final time. 

The movie will start as soon as it gets dark enough which could be as early as 5:30. Don't forget to bring your chair and a blanket so you can keep cozy. It should be fairly warm, the carport is semi-enclosed. 

Includes: Hot Dogs, salad, dessert, popcorn, treats, beer, wine, soda, and a signature drink! For the flyer with all the details click here

MOVIE: Clear and Present Danger with Harrison Ford
Join the fun! You can still sign up.
Attention Skiers!
Here is a website you might want to check out!

If you're traveling to different resorts outside of the scheduled Club/Council/Far West trips this may be a useful tool for getting discounts for lodging, lift tickets, and rentals.
Go to: for the area you're headed to and see what kind of discounts are available.
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