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November Newsletter and Christmas Offers.

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Exciting Sale for Christmas 

Free UK postage and a unique bundle are now available to help you get the perfect gift for your Dad, brother, sister and everyone who loves comics or the Bible or both! 

Unique bundle: We have a small number of Collector's edition Judges remaining, (numbered in first 100 prints, signed, with a hand drawn illustration) and we are adding in the limited edition, 32-page copy of The Book of Ruth! One of just 200 printed as pre-release editions, which is not for sale in any other way. Here's the best bit, they  are not £40.99 + postage, but just... 

Collectors Edition Judges and Limited Edition Ruth £27.99 with free UK Postage

(This offer will only be available until December 15th and while stocks last).

Kindle Countdown deal on Judges starts tomorrow!

Starting at midnight (PST) on the 5th of November, so remember remember to download The Book of Judges for Kindle for just $0.99 at, tomorrow. (That's the USA Amazon site, not UK or others).

The Countdown deal means that each day that passes the discount goes down a little bit, so the sooner you buy the more of a bargain it is. The first day is more than 80% off, so please share the news with a friend! 


We are working through more and more pages now, I am drawing chapter 11 and the fall of Hazor. It's a great bit to do because there is actually a lot of archaeology from there for the right period, so it is fun drawing in the weird and wonderful architects.  

Here is a picture of the statue of a King from the time of the events found at Hazor, which many therefore this is a statue of King Jabin himself. On the Left is the King Jabin from the story of Joshua, I've given him a necklace with his name in hieroglyphics to hint at the Egyptian dominance of the land and his signet ring has his name in Canaanite. On the right is the King Jabin from the Judges period, which I've included as it is coloured. 

This item is a stone cauldron with a beheaded idol which, again, is from the correct time. You can see my early pencils is how this will be shown getting decapitated in Joshua's razing of the city. 

Here is the pie chart indicating the progress of the work. It's not been a full month as the last update was Oct 16th however. Leslie has been working hard to make the files to go on Comixolgy this month and our revised submissions are going in this week so by the next update I believe they may be available. 

Supporting the project. 


In the last few months, we've had a few people ask how they might support the project with a gift or regular donation. If you'd like to donate a gift to the project please use our PayPal account, liked to this email address, and add a note so we know why it has come in.


Another way to help is to add a positive review on Amazon. Here are the links...

The Book of Judges:
UK -

The Book of Ruth:
UK -

Prayer Requests

If you are a praying person I'd love you to look at these areas we are seeking the Lord for, and either give a quick amen or to add them to your list for ongoing prayer support.

Productivity and health: Last winter the family and I were beset by viruses which really hampered progress, please pray for our health, and that the work will continue at a good pace.

Financial: Since the start of this project we have been living by faith financially, we've been really blessed with the Kickstarters and gifts we've been given, but please pray God continues to carry us through in his amazing miraculous way.

New Video Blog

New Video Blog, looking at the battles and events in Joshua which cross over with those in Judges. Below is also the short promo video if you missed it last time and an old video about correcting the image of the Tabernacle 
When does Caleb take Hebron? Was it during Joshua's time?
When does Caleb take Hebron?
Word for Word Bible Comic Promo
Promo Video
Correcting the Tabernacle picture
Correcting the Tabernacle Image

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