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“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” - 2 Corinthians 4:8,9


If you are at all like me, you may find it very easy to be overwhelmed by the evils of society. It seems every week, every day, the news brings more immorality and policy change that goes against God’s Word. And, though I am by nature not versed in politics, it is impossible to avoid the shortcomings of this year’s elections. It would be easy to lose hope for our future and begin to despair. Easy to worry about how we are possibly going to raise our children to follow God and  what He wants for our lives instead of the views of society that they will be bombarded with at every turn. But we are not the first, nor will we be the last, to suffer persecution in this life.

The Apostle Paul, who penned these words to the Corinthians, endured evil and persecution of all kinds, and yet he still found strength. He was not crushed, he was not in despair, he was not abandoned, he was not destroyed. Why? Why not just give in - lay down and give up? Because his strength did not come from himself. If changing the moral viewpoint of the world, ensuring our country has godly leaders, or even raising our kids to be faithful Christians, depended solely on our own efforts, we might as well give up! But, thankfully, it doesn’t. We have God as our strength. We may not be able to single-handedly put the leader of our choosing into the White House next week, but we don’t have to. God promises to preserve his people. He will not abandon us, we will not be destroyed.

We know that our world, our nation and all people are fleeting. Nations rise and fall, but God endures and remains in control. “The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” (Isaiah 40:7,8)  No matter what victories it may seem our sinful society may win, God is still in control and he holds the ultimate victory, the eternal victory, which he has shared with us through His death on the cross.

Ask the Lord

Dear Lord,
In the midst of turmoil and ungodliness in our society, give our hearts peace. Grant us continual trust in you and the victory you have already won for us. Let us not be overwhelmed by the evil of the world, but help us affect change as we continue to train our families in your Word and reach out to those around us with your love. Sustain us through this election and beyond, that future generations may know the truths of your Word. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Sarah Neuman
St. Matthew’s, Ontario, WI



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