Dear Friend, You Can Help a Person with a Developmental Disability To Live with Dignity, Acceptance, Fulfillment and Independence
We all know how painful and unfair it is to be bullied and humiliated – to be treated as less than a human being. By contributing to Greater Opportunities, you can help people with developmental disabilities to instead live with dignity and independence as active, respected, productive individuals who are fully included in the community.
It’s intolerable when people with disabilities are mocked and belittled. My sister Carla was a person with developmental disabilities…. I grew up fighting bullies who taunted her with the “r” word.
Together with Greater Opportunities, you can change the picture and help create full inclusion and acceptance in the community for people like Carla who have developmental disabilities. By supporting our daily, direct support services for individuals with special needs, you can help to fulfill their rights and desires for inclusive, community-integrated, productive, independent living.
As Trustee for my sister, I learned what it means to truly support people with disabilities. It was not easy. She made it clear that it was her life, and she wanted to live it “her way”. This required a lot of creative problem-solving. So, together, we built a strong circle of natural community supports. She was able to live safely and independently in her own home, while volunteering to serve others daily in the local soup kitchen.
We similarly use person-centered planning at Greater Opportunities to creatively tailor services to each person’s unique interests, needs and goals. We don’t pigeonhole people. We listen, explore, and find ways to make it work for them - their way.
Debbie has received support from Greater Opportunities since May 1981 – that’s 35 years! She came to us from a group home, seeking a more fulfilled life living independently in her own home. Debbie first enrolled in our semi-independent living training program where she learned how to cook, clean her home, manage her funds, and control her emotions. She continues to receive individualized support from Greater Opportunities through our Day Program and our Supported Living Program. Today, she lives in her own apartment along with her cat, has a boyfriend, and works as a crew member at BJs Brewhouse Restaurant with other Greater Opportunities consumers.
Kelton came to the Greater Opportunities Day Program directly after graduating high school. Only a year ago, he was very shy and preferred to spend his time by himself putting together jigsaw puzzles (he can do it amazingly fast – even with the pieces turned over to the blank side!) Now – Kelton is actively engaged with other people, having fun dancing, conversing and working!
You can help make the hopes and dreams of people with developmental disabilities a reality. Your contribution will enable Greater Opportunities to create their unique pathway to success. Make a significant gift of opportunity - $50, $100, or more - whatever you can afford to share during this holiday season.
Thank you so much for your caring and generosity. Our consumers and those who care for them appreciate your support!
Craig C. King
Executive Director
Greater Opportunities
408-248-4464 x23