Secret of living full of joy forever revealed!
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Aloha, Friend!
Michael, Rachel, and Lori
I (Michael) have a busy travel schedule next month:
In the past, these meetings have always been well worth the time and resources getting there. Being able to share in person and talk face-to-face are valuable in strengthening relationships and improving the ways we work together. The ETEN DBL meetings are valuable for networking. Please pray that my presentations and contributions go well and that these meetings will be productive and pleasing to God.

God’s Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.—Romans 14:17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.—John 3:16

The Holy Bible is full of Good News that can really make you happy once it sinks in. We believe that everyone should have access to this Good News!
Rachel in a tree
Rachel gets a whole week off from school for Thanksgiving. She is happy about that.
Michael provides God's Word to people who speak minority languages and people in persecuted countries. These are the people who normally can't just go to a bookstore and buy a Bible. However, they often have access to digital devices that can display Bible text and play audio Bibles.
With your help, we are giving these people easy access to God's Word.

For English speakers, we provide the World English Bible and its derivatives. All of the other Bible translations are translated by others who allow us to distribute their Bible translations. We do this because God's Word produces eternal results in people's lives. We don't require payment for any of these Bibles in digital formats, but rather rely on God to supply our needs.
World Outreach MinistriesTax-deductible donations may be made to us online at or by sending a check to:

MARRIETTA GA 30061-0379


Please mark donations "FUND CODE #70".

Personal mail can be sent to us at:

PO BOX 881143
PUKALANI HI 96788-1143

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Michael and Lori Johnson
26 Hiwalani Loop
Makawao, HI 96768-8747

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