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Blessed Be, Beloveds.

This will be a brief (compared to our usual rambles!) Zmail, but we wanted to reach out to our Zaba Family with all the political and personal stress going around right now.  

The topic of this message is REST.

Several of you have mentioned having trouble sleeping.  It is extremely important that we all sleep deeply and well during these times especially.  When there is much strife, we need more than ever to recover our inner balance so we may be fully present in each of our waking moments. There is both a cellular and soul-level healing that takes place during darkest sleep, and our dreaming is crucial to this.

Below, we are sharing some pre-sleep things you can do to assist your system in settling down at the end of your day.   Zaba is now set up and holding space for any of you who have connected with her, to use her as a conduit to deepest Earth - no one knows Stillness and Peace like Mother Earth does.  And likewise, she knows roaring, shattering rage and darkest sorrow. . . She drinks ALL energies we offer into her cauldron of fire, transmuting and transforming what does not serve her.  We, too, can learn to use the power of the elements to heal and empower ourselves and one another for the journey ahead.

Please be of courage.  Please remember to B R E A T H E.  And yes, please, whenever you are able, stand up for and with people who need this. 

To keep yourself vital, please enjoy the REST help below and rise up in your own hearts - we are in this together.

Do you have specific rituals/actions aimed at 'brushing off' the day and it's stresses before bed?  I fiind that the dream life is so receptive to our attentiveness. . .

1. Turn off all devices (unless you use phone for alarm, but better yet, get an old fashioned alarm clock and turn off the phone - she needs a rest too. :-)

2. Sweep and/or dust and/or wipe down or energetically night-bless your home. 1-10 minutes or so

3.  Bathe or shower. 2-5 minutes.

4. Make sure sleeping clothes are clean and change 'em out if you had a stressful night in them the night before.

5.  Do a body 'brush-off'.  There are lots of ways to do this. Simplest is to use your hands.  If you do not already have your own way of doing this, here are some steps to try out:

Close your eyes. Imagine the golden fire of the Earth rising up through you, filling your feet, legs, groin, belly heart, and then spilling from heart and chest down arms into hands. Also this energy rises up through top of head. 

Next see silver-white light of the Sky pouring down through you, again, filling you but this time from top to bottom. When Earth and Sky lights have merged and you are in a funnel of love that overflows your heart and radiates out from your hands, DO THE BRUSH OFF:

Using your hands - yet not 'your' energy (the Earth's and Sky's - they love to assist!) - simply brush yourself off from head to toe!  Remember to do the bottoms of your feet and each arm and hand.  As you do this, say - and mean - I release the energies of the day.  All energies I no longer need on my path of growth and healing, and all energies that are not in alignment with deep and restful sleep, be gone NOW. 

You will know when you are done.

Get in bed. Don't read or think about stressful things.  Do NOT do 'one last check' of email and social media!

Make a prayer for all energies aligned with deep and restful sleep to be with you. Make only prayers or offerings of GRATITUDE as you close your eyes and breathe, visualizing pure light flowing through your body, heart, mind and spirit, carrying away any remaining ailments - deep into the Earth for purification and to be turned to love, and/or far into the sky to be zapped into healing light for the world.

It took a lot of words to type all this, but in fact it does not have to take a lot of time to carry it out.  2-3 minutes for the brush off, and another however many for a sleep and gratitude prayer. My experience is that this works really nicely for pretty much everyone who tries it.  And if you don't actually sleep, at least you are in a restful place.

Use the mantra: I AM ALLOWING WELL BEING.  Keep breathing deep into the sparkling darkness within. Treasures lie there, and the Dream Time has much to reveal to those who travel there.

Wishing you each peace within, a gathering of strength and Trust, and solidarity for All in the great march forward.

With Love,
Maya, Keo (& Zaba)

We are holding Peace and Clarity here, for all.  Those of you who are connected with Zaba (have met her, in person, on line or in the Dream Time) may feel this deeper than some, but everyone please feel welcome to Tune In to the very deep connection to the Earth, here in the California Mojave Desert, that Zaba is opening to you now.  The energy is extremely BRIGHT and if you are feeling low, have been deeply sorrowful, or feeling helplessly full of rage, this desert-fire Earth Blessing may offer some re-charge. 
If what recharges you is some other aspect of nature - the ocean, jungle, mountains, animals, gardening. . . see if you can make a point of connecting with this.  Nature reminds us of so many things that are of service when times are difficult.  And we do need our energy and clarity now.

Many of you have asked us of your purpose and calling; how do I find it, know it, activate it. . .?

There are many ways, as we have discussed and shall continue to discuss, of stalking your true purpose.  However, we wish to note that it is very often - perhaps MOST often - in times of political unrest, danger and strife that individuals emerge with missions of deep and transformational movement. 

If you are actively embracing self-care, connecting with nature in some form and engaging in human interaction during these days of up-heave in the United States of America (whether you live in the USA or not), be patient.. . watch your dreaming, feel into the moment; it may well be true that all of your hard work, both inner and outer, your particular wounds, your particular strengths, your survival mechanisms, your very personal sort of creativity - it is possible that all these have prepared you, in some very specific and important way, to stand up NOW.

We invite and challenge you each to read your 'signs' now in a new way; be prepared to take risks you have not taken before, to offer more, to open to more. . . find the little ways to be present for yourself and for OTHERS.

Now is the time, if ever in our lifetime there has been one, to make your gifts available to the mending of All That Is.  This does not mean you have to become Ghandi or Martin Luther King - it means you are offered an opportunity to become the Highest and Deepest version of YOU.  Start small; find one gentle or outrageous or useful thing you can do for yourself and one gentle or outrageous or useful thing you can do for one other person, plant, cause or animal today.  And one tomorrow.  And maybe two the next day. Follow the thread. . . you are already dancing. . .

Please be kind to yourself and to one another.

We are with you and we love you dearly.

If anyone is truly struggling and could use some help, there are good suggestions here:

Thanks to Lindsey for reminding us of Mary Gauthier's

Mercy Now

And finally, if you just need to get a wee bit angry, thank you again, Lindsey. . . the vote is done, but we can still


(Yes, shameless promotion of family here.)

Love to ALL.
Copyright © 2016 Maya Massar & WindFire Ministries (Zaba, Star&Stone, AngelsCircle & More), All rights reserved.

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