Word on the Street: November 2016 - Thanks-Giving, Transportation Measures recap, How You Can Help
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We are grateful for all of the hard work, energy, and support from our communities, volunteers and businesses. Heading into the holiday season, we reflect on the resulting rewards, and are excited to take on the next opportunities to make Oakland a great place to walk and to bike. We are honored to work on Oaklanders' behalf to make local investments work for everyone.
Consider joining us as a member, or volunteer, or both.

Oakland Measures Pass with Flying Colors!!

 Transportation Improvements Galore! 

It was an uphill battle this year trying to pass measures that required a 2/3 majority vote, but Oakland came out of Election Tuesday victorious with multiple transportation measures passed!

1. Measure KK

Say goodbye to nasty potholes, because $350 million is approved to fix Oakland's streets for a smoother, safer ride.


2. Measure RR

With an approved $3.5 Billion going towards improvements to BART, expect more BART cars and better bike/ped-friendly accommodations.


3. Measure C1

AC Transit is a great partner and with this approved re-authorization of a parcel tax, we plan to work closely with them to help redesign major roadways with modern bikeways and state of the art bus service. 

Regionally, voters also approved giving commuters on mass transit greater, safer options, which means less traffic on your commute!

Meetings for a Safer Park Blvd

You are cordially invited to attend a community outreach meeting about transportation safety and mobility on the Park Boulevard corridor (Highway 13 to East 18th Street). 


Oakland's new Department of Transportation (OakDOT) will also update you on the various efforts that are ongoing on different sections of Park Blvd.


Let's let OakDOT know you're ready for a Park Blvd that is made for PEOPLE - with safe and pleasant walking amenities and modern, comfortable bike lanes the whole way.

Community Meeting #1
Wednesday, November 16, 6:30-8:00pm
Park Blvd Presbyterian Church Gym
4101 Park Blvd

Community Meeting #2
Thursday, November 17, 6:30-8:00pm
FM Smith Recreation Center
1969 Park Blvd

Please feel free to attend either date, as the content will be the same on both nights.  

Capping off 2016 with an Amazing Ride Like a Girl Workshop

Sunday, 11/13, was quite the lovely day to take to the Bay Bridge path to Treasure Island.  It also marked the end of our first three-part series to encourage more ladies to bicycle.  We also spent part of the afternoon learning about wines at Purity Wines.

Thank you to all the women who made it to at least one of 2016's workshops. We are DEFINITELY bringing back this series in 2017...perhaps with a bike camping edition. Stay tuned.

Oakland Receives $16 Million in State Active Transportation Grants
14th St rendering_cover.jpg


California’s Active Transportation Program has awarded Oakland a pair of hefty grants to redesign two popular bike routes:

14th Street in downtown Oakland

Grant: $10.5 million
Connecting West Oakland and East Lake to the downtown, this 
 will become a signature bikeway project for Oakland


Fruitvale Avenue west of Fruitvale BART
Grant: $5.5 million

Upgrades an existing bike lane to (Oakland's very first) raised bike lane 

More details on Oakland ATP grants for 14th St and Fruitvale Ave

Both projects receive their grants starting late 2019. However, with passage of Measure KK, WOBO will push Oakland to build an interim bikeway sooner on 14th Street.



WOBO Wants You!  

WOBO is Seeking Board members: How could you resist? Be a part of this amazing team of public health, urban planning, advocacy and policy, landscape architects and marketing specialists.

We're looking for talented, self-motivated folks to take us through our adventures in 2016 and into 2017.  Love working with community members? Got some organizing chops for events like Love Our Neighborhood Day and WOBO Weekends? Have some mad people skills and are comfortable using contact and donor management databases? Learn more on our VolunteerMatch posting.

Want to be a stipended Fellow?: We have been nurturing future community champs through our 6 months to 1 year fellowships for a while now and have room for another fellow, 10-15 hours per week.  Inquire with us

We'll See Ya There!

11/16 and 11/17: Park Blvd Traffic Calming Neighborhood Meeting 

12/10 and 12/11: WOBO Weekend 2016 Finale
Let's Get Together! We're planning on an evening together to prep materials for our end of year membership appeal. Sign up to help! 

We're Looking for folks to join our 2017 planning teams. Got great ideas for campaigns in your neighborhood? Itchin' to help develop next year's Bike Month (May) activities? Want to be on the Ride Like a Girl and Women Bike Happy Hour support crew? Want to connect with neighbors in the Golden Gate to plan the 2017 Open Streets program? Email us 
Become a WOBO Member today with just the click of a button! Starting at $35 per year, you get a team of policy, community and advocacy champions who will stump for safe and accessible walking and bicycling in Oakland for all.
The Membership Button!
WOBO's Spooktacular Fundrasier: Oaktown Ghosttown
Big thanks to all the goblins and ghouls who came out to our annual fundraiser. 
Twitter Highlight:
Thanks @Abel_Guillen and all the other 
participants who helped us pass ballot measures for improved Oakland streets! 
Quote Of The Month:
"Lack of investment in safe walking and cycling infrastructure is contributing to the deaths of millions of people and overlooking a great opportunity to contribute to the fight against climate change."
Don't be shy...

1330 Broadway 3rd Fl
Oakland, CA 94612
Copyright © 2016 Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, All rights reserved.

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