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Attn: Strata Managers, Building Managers,
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Latest Articles

Gym equipt

Q&A: Gym Equipment Maintenance - Better to Own or Hire?

Peter Berney, Solutions in Engineering
Question: Why does our BC hire and contract out our gym equipment maintenance? Surely it would be better to buy the equipment outright. I have been told it is because of WH&S and other safety concerns. Is this a consideration?
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strata insure Qu

Strata Insurance Questions: Garages Used to Store Unknown Items

Ann Farrugia, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
We often receive strata insurance questions into the site and this one concerns the storage of unknown items in two lot owner's garages and how this can affect the insurance.
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QLD Levies

QLD: Q&A How Do Overseas Lot Owners Make Strata Fee Payments?

Kelly Borell, Tower Body Corporate Administration
Question: Most of our lot owners live overseas. How do they pay their strata fee payments, including levies and other bills?
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NSW Reforms

Attention Lot Owners! New Strata Laws For NSW - 30 November 2016

LookUpStrata Team
NSW has modernised its strata laws to mirror the reality of apartment living in the state. At the end of this month, NSW lot owners and tenants will be affected by the reform. Read out top tips on how these changes may affect you.

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QLD letting agents

QLD: Letting Agents' Hidden Rewards: SHHH....It's a Secret!!!!

Wayne Stevens, Unit Owners Association of Queensland (UOAQ)
There was a recent decision from the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) which may be of considerable interest to unit owners in Queensland, especially those who have short-term letting arrangements with letting managers. It certainly will be exciting their interest.
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Elect voting

Interested in digital strata voting? We’re looking for strata management groups to talk to

We are a startup called ElectMaven developing a digital strata voting platform. We are looking for strata management companies who can help us understand our customers needs. Is that you?
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Small Strata design

Renovating Your Strata Home - PODCAST

Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property featuring Interior Design Expert, Jen Bishop
Sharing stories about small space apartment design ideas and tips. Providing examples, case studies and clever ideas of how to have a beautiful interior in an apartment.
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SA Strata Manager

SA Strata Sector Celebrates Annual Awards Ceremony

Strata Community Australia
“Fresh cases of unprofessional behaviour in the strata sector, speaks to both the physical and financial damage that can be brought upon owners, if they don’t have a trusted manager on the scene,” Strata Community Australia (SA) President Mr Steen said.
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Did you know......NSW Reforms

There  are  just  14 - yes just 14 - days  until  NSW  reforms  kick  in!

NSW Strata reform myth busters 


Owners corporations must meet right away to decide their new by-laws 

MYTH: By-laws passed by the owners corporation and registered remain valid after 30 November 2016 until removed or amended by the owners corporation. Owners must review their rules by 30 November 2017.

These myth busters have been published by NSW Fair Trading and are to help people who live or own strata townhouses and apartments to understand the new strata laws that start on 30 November 2016. They are to help overcome misunderstandings about what changes the reforms bring. For the full list of Myth Busters, visit this page on the NSW Fair Trading site.

Wondering how you will keep up with the changes to Legislation over the next few months?

Which Acts are changing and when? How can you easily access the new Acts?

See the 'New South Wales' tab on our Strata Legislation page for details about the upcoming changes to NSW Legislation. This information has been provided by Leanne Habib, Premium Strata.

Don't forget to bookmark the page - it's an excellent resource and one of the most viewed pages on our site.


Reality of Strata - E18

'The Developer Handover' - E18 Strata 101: From Buying off the Plan to Your First Strata Meeting

Michael Teys, Block Lawyers
There's a big difference between what developers have to give new strata owners and what they actually give them. Michael Teys lists what owners should be asking for.

Most Read Article From Last Week's Newsletter

QLD remove trees

NSW: Q&A Removal of Dangerous Trees - Who is Responsible?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: A tree is on private property but passes into my airspace and into common property airspace. If it presents a potential threat to the common property roof because it leans over it, who is responsible for removal of dangerous trees?
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Recent Comments

Latest reader comments on our posts - as interesting as the articles themselves:


QLD: The golden rules of by-law enforcement


NSW: Q&A Removal of Dangerous Trees – Who is Responsible?


QLD: The different body corporate committee roles

Have Your Say


The Law in NSW is about to change

If you feel strongly about this issue, Trish Burt and the team at Neighbours Not Strangers have a petition and information page on Short Term Lets.
Find Out More

Property Law Review – Have Your Say On Body Corporate Issues

A review of Queensland’s property laws is being conducted by the Commercial and Property Law Research Centre of QUT for the Queensland Government. 
QUT has recommended that a new system for dividing costs in community titles schemes be adopted.
The Government would like to hear from the community and industry about whether they consider QUT’s recommendations to be a fair and practical.

Submissions Due: COB 23 Dec 2016

Find Out More

Nov 17
NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Queanbeyan)

Nov 21 - 22
NSW: Certificate of Registration, Strata Management (Wynyard)

Nov 22 - 24
A100: SCA National Introduction to living & working in the strata community (WA)

Nov 22
Strata Skills 101: NSW Fair Trading Strata Legislation Information Seminar

Nov 23
Green Gurus: Sustainability in WA Housing

Nov 28 - 29
NSW: Licence, Strata Management (Wynyard)
Visit our Strata Events Page

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Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Full steam ahead for Meriton despite ‘deteriorated’ confidence in property market Domain

NSW: Records broken as this Sydney street sizzles

Change to NSW strata laws to give apartment owners power to turn buildings into gold mines  Domain

The corner of Australia that’s become a rich foreigners’ enclave which ordinary Australians can never afford

QLD: Orion Towers to Become Tallest in Southern Hemisphere  Brisbane Development

VIC: Melbourne apartment buyers chase a piece of Airbnb’s $95 million market Domain

Melbourne crime interactive: Track crime in your postcode over five years The Age

WA: South Perth apartment buyers frustrated at delays The West Australian


SA: Apartments, gardens and innovation hub planned for old Royal Adelaide Hospital site  Architecture & Design

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