Promoting Health, Fun and Fitness Through Cross-Country Skiing

Fundraising Progress Towards Grand Avenue Nordic 

It's been just over 2 weeks since DXC hosted our fundraising kickoff event at the Grand Avenue Chalet, with music by the Boomchucks, food catered by Spirit Mountain, and updated information about the Grand Avenue Nordic Center (GANC) provided by Annalisa Peterson, Chad Salmela, and Cory Salmela, and we wanted to give you an update on progress towards our commitment of raising $500k for GANC by this February 2017.
In these past 2 weeks, we have already raised an additional $20,000 from individual donors!  The immediate outpouring of support since our live kickoff has been incredible, and we are looking to maintain that momentum in the weeks and months to come.  Have you made plans for your year-end giving yet?  We need you!  And if you've already pledged funds to DXC towards GANC but haven't yet made the actual contribution, now is the time!  GANC is happening.
We wanted to provide a breakdown of just some of the ongoing fundraising efforts towards GANC:
- $15k to be donated by DXC's general fund as a 'match' of individual donor donations, specifically matching up to $5k during Give to the Max day (, and up to $10,000 during the month of December
- $20k through sale of all of the limited edition DXC winter hats (hats are still available)
- 10% of all Rossignol xc ski sales at Continental Ski & Bike will go to GANC
- 10% of all Swix sales at Ski Hut will go to GANC
- 15% of Snowflake Ski Swap sales go to GANC
- DXC ski ties being sold with proceeds going to GANC
- Major ski company about to donate significant contribution
- Recently submitted competitive applications for different grants worth $50k, $25k, $10k, $10k, and $5k
- GANC Light Poles:  Organizations/businesses can contribute $2.5k to get their name and memorial information on a light pole along the GANC trail (20 light poles planned for this)
- Duluth Area Nordic Ski Team Alumni casual social event/fundraiser being planned over the winter holidays
- Banff Mountain Film Festival will be hosted by DXC, at the DECC Symphony Hall on January 7 & 8, 2017
- DXC Snow Ball with dinner, live auction, and silent auction planned for February 11, 2017 at the Greysolon Ballroom
- Discussions in progress with several potential corporate sponsors in addition to Loll
Please help us keep up the momentum to secure our Nordic skiing future in Duluth with snowmaking, lights, chalet, and a great new course for skiers of all ages!  Contribute to the GANC effort today.

Thank you for your support!

Duluth XC Ski Club
1346 West Arrowhead Road, PMB 344
Duluth, MN 55811
For more information about Duluth XC Ski Club, visit our
website or find us on Facebook.

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