Will's Weekly Digest | November 23, 2016
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Finding the Humor

Comedy is supposed to be tragedy + time. America has already experienced the tragedy, although I fear it is just the first of many. And honestly, there hasn't been enough time yet for me to laugh about it, but in the spirit of trying I'm dedicating today's digest to humor. While only one of the linked articles deals with the election, all are quite amusing, and I hope/believe they'll bring some chuckles. 

As always, happy Wednesday and happy reading.

This Day in History

1936 - The first issue of "Life" Magazine is published. Though the magazine had existed in a different format, it folded during the Depression, and was bought out by Henry Luce, the publisher of "Time" Magazine, who helped turn "Life" into a successful, picture-based editorial.  

Naming the Creatures

Have you ever stopped to think about all the myriad forms of life that exist out there, and why they are how they are? If not, you should, if so, here's your explanation (from Amusing yet very probable thoughts straight from the mind of our creator as she pondered how to shape life on planet Earth. Needless to say god is both creative and sassy. But these are funny, and seem to be just as viable explanations for why some life exists as a silly "theory" like evolution. 

Aziz Ansari Meets Planet Earth

This is what happens when Aziz Ansari aka Tom Haverford dubs over scenes from Planet Earth. For any Parks and Rec fans out there, the captioned images will seem quite appropriate, and for anyone else, they'll still be funny. A club-loving Indian comedian meets the glory of nature in hi-def (from the Chive).

Are You F*cking Kidding? 

If only I were kidding, Madam Secretary, if only I were. Alas, despite the hysterical reasoning laid out here, America opted for a man who was way funnier when he was only a joke, instead of a joke AND president elect. Fortunately stupidity lends itself to humor (unfortunately racism does not), and this article amusingly highlights the disastrous decision we made on election day (from Medium).

Kanye Gone Cray Cray

Kanye West has been crazy for a long time now, but recently he really went off the deep end. This is just the culmination of a series of struggles that began back in 2010 when Kanye was recording" My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" (from Clickhole). Delve into the fantastical humor of Kanye's brain...or whatever is inside his head. 

Butters and the Beast

Butters is making her third appearance in the digest, but I simply can't help but include her every time I'm luck enough to see her. Since I'm spending Thanksgiving with my youngest brother Mike in New Hampshire, Butters gets both my love, and the spot in today's digest. Butters is seen her doing what she does best, sleepily demanding love. Big thank you to Mike for hosting me, and for allowing me to take dozens of pictures of Butters! 

Will's Weekly Trivia 

Please be sure to share Willful Intent's new opt-in form with friends, and submit any thoughts and dog pics via the feedback form

IF you choose to answer the question, respond to with your answer. Please note that by competing you are giving me permission to publish your first name in the trivia leader board each week.

Last Week:
1. Before Donald Trump, who was the last president elected without winning the popular vote? ONE POINT
2. Which Constitutional Amendment reformed the electoral college, and sets the current rules for how we elect the president and vice president? ONE POINT
3. The only thing it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Who said it? ONE POINT

1. George W Bush won the electoral college while losing the popular vote in 2000. 
2. The 12th Amendment set the current rules for the electoral college.
3. Edmund Burke said the only thing it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

This Week:
1. Which of the following was an Ancient Greek Comedic Playwright: Thucydides: Sophocles; Aristophanes? ONE POINT
2. Who that was mentioned in this week's digest does stand up comedy? ONE POINT


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