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Strata News & Information

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Catch up on the latest Q&As, with these articles:

We have recently received many questions about smoke drift and neighbours smoking on balconies. If you have similar concerns, please see our FactSheet: Strata Smoking.

We have a call out from our engaged subscribers for more content specific to Victorian and Western Australian legislation. Please let me know if you can assist.

We have an exceptional offer from ElectMaven, who are looking for input in the development of their digital strata voting platform. For details and to explore whether this offer may be of interest to you, see the banner and article below, or read more here.

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Latest Articles

Buying strata

Buying Strata Property NSW … have you done your homework?

The LookUpStrata Team
Strata is a great living option … however, you want to be prepared for any lifestyle adjustments that you have to make when buying strata property in NSW.… and it can be extremely frustrating for new owners who don’t understand who does what… and more importantly, who to complain to when something goes wrong.
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VIC Q&A Stop Self Managed

VIC: Q&A Becoming A Self Managed Strata Scheme – Can I Stop This?

Kristi Kinast, LOC Strata Management
Question: Our developer, who still owns the majority of the lots, has decided they want to self-manage the building. How can I stop this from happening?
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QLD Comm Insurance

QLD: Q&A Commercial Strata Insurance - What Does it Cover?

Tyrone Shandiman, Strata Insurance Solutions
Question: We own two commercial strata investment lots in SE Qld. Our contributions notice has an amount for strata insurance. What does commercial strata insurance cover?
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SA No Pets

SA: Q&A Strata No Pets Policy - What About Visitors With Dogs?

Tyson D'Sylva, Ace Body Corporate Management
Question: If our scheme clearly has a strata no pets policy, what do we do about visitors bringing their dogs with them, and allowing the dogs to "toilet" on the lawns?
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NSW Bylaws

NSW Strata Reforms: What By-laws Apply to My Strata Scheme?

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Many lot owners, particular those in older strata schemes, do not know what by-laws apply to their scheme. While the Secretary of the Owners Corporation is required to keep a record of all the by-laws in force in the scheme, this record may not always be accurate.
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Clever storage

Clever Storage Solutions for Clutter-Free Living

Bettina Deda, Downsize With Style author
To optimise clever storage solutions for small apartments, do a room assessment of each of your apartment's rooms. Ask yourself: What would I like this room to do for me?
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New Strata Plan

NSW: Things That Can Go Horribly Wrong When Buying Into A New Strata Plan And How To Avoid Them - PODCAST

Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property featuring NSW Chairperson, Sean McNamara
How to deal with a problematic new strata building, particularly the rectification of defective building works. The podcast includes a list of some challenges that may be faced, and tips for overcoming these challenges.
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Airbnb strata issues

Providing a Solution to Airbnb Strata Issues

Franck Bossi, Prox Access
It is time for owners corporations to look to solutions to protect their buildings against Airbnb strata issues and other short-term lets.
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Did you know......NSW Reforms

There  is  just  1 WEEK  until  NSW  reforms  kick  in!
top 5 Reforms

Top 5 Ways the NSW New Strata Laws Will Impact your Life. VIDEO

Adrian Mueller, J S Mueller and Co Lawyerss
For most lot owners in NSW, which laws do you feel will have the most important impact on their life? Adrian Mueller: I think there are 5 of the new laws that are going to have a considerable impact on apartment owners.

Wondering how you will keep up with the changes to Legislation over the next few months?

Which Acts are changing and when? How can you easily access the new Acts?

See the 'New South Wales' tab on our Strata Legislation page for details about the upcoming changes to NSW Legislation. This information has been provided by Leanne Habib, Premium Strata.

Don't forget to bookmark the page - it's an excellent resource and one of the most viewed pages on our site.


Reality of Strata - E19

'Building Insurance' - E19 Strata 101: From Buying off the Plan to Your First Strata Meeting

Michael Teys, Block Lawyers
Strata insurance policies are about preserving a building's worth and protecting its agents, be they managers or committee members, from liability rather than serving as additional cover for owners. Michael Teys explains.

Most Read Article From Last Week's Newsletter

strata insure Qu

Strata Insurance Questions: Garages Used to Store Unknown Items

Ann Farrugia, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
We often receive strata insurance questions into the site and this one concerns the storage of unknown items in two lot owner's garages and how this can affect the insurance.
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FactSheet: Strata Smoking

FacstSheet: Strata Smoking

We have received many enquiries recently from lot owners concerned about smoke drift in their apartment and ways to stop neighbours from smoking on balconies.

If you have concerns or questions, please check our Strata Smoking FactSheet. This factsheet contains many links to articles and resources. 

Take A Look

Have Your Say

Property Law Review – Have Your Say On Body Corporate Issues

A review of Queensland’s property laws is being conducted by the Commercial and Property Law Research Centre of QUT for the Queensland Government. 
QUT has recommended that a new system for dividing costs in community titles schemes be adopted.
The Government would like to hear from the community and industry about whether they consider QUT’s recommendations to be a fair and practical.

Submissions Due: COB 23 Dec 2016

Find Out More

Nov 28 - 29
NSW: Licence, Strata Management (Wynyard)

Dec 2
Green Gurus: Sustainability in WA Housing

Dec 5 - 6
NSW: Certificate of Registration, Strata Management (Wynyard)

Dec 12 - 13
NSW: Licence, Strata Management (Wynyard)
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Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

How successful was The Block Port Melbourne as a development? Property Observer

NSW: Now a $27 million off the plan penthouse sale on Macquarie Street Property Observer

Holiday let laws hit a roadblock  Domain

QLD: An Open Letter to the strata industry in Queensland from lot owners concerning the reasonableness of actions by Bodies Corporate Unit Owners Association of Queensland

Girl filmed on balcony ledge at Gold Coast Schoolies Brisbane Times

A third of planned Inner Brisbane apartments dropped Australian Broker

QCAT update: Unit owners left high but not dry McInnes Wilson Lawyers

VIC: Melbourne shows how Airbnb is reshaping our cities  CityMetric

Millennials pushed out of suburbs by NIMBY baby boomers who oppose development Domain

WA: Pop-up hotel Perth CBD ready The West Australian

ACT: Apartments and townhouses hold sway over freestanding houses in Canberra The Canberra Times

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