Hanging in the boatyard. Hey, I see the water!
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Dreaming of a blue Christmas

Aside the fact that one of our favorite holiday songs is Elvis's Blue Christmas, the water is where we'd love to be, and we got those boatyard blues. Sailboat BOB is securely tucked into a corner "on-the-hard" and is awaiting a fresh coat of paint (blue), a mast, an engine, a radar, and a few other things. Right now, technically, we are a raft.

But the major refit is coming along swell, and we're happy to be in a cozy little place in Bellingham, Washington for the winter. 

We have a few trips still open for 2017. Our trip calendar is filling up nicely, and we hope you can join us this summer. 
Sails full in Stephens Passage, south of Juneau.
Might have mentioned we are replacing our hard-working engine on the BOB this winter. Well, out it came a couple of days ago. Many thanks to a dependable friend. 
We normally don't pick on a  guest from the summer, but Brian McComb can take it. As founder of American Adventure Survival Science, he has a video blog going on YouTube about well - American Adventure Survival Science. He kept us thoroughly entertained aboard with experiments on mosquito repellents, sailing theory and practice, glacial ice, using a sextant, and anything record-able with a GoPro. We look forward to watching installments on his YouTube channel of his work aboard the BOB. 
One day we hope to be as cool as a bald eagle sitting on the topmost pinnacle of a calving glacier. 

For more great shots from the summer - check out the recently expanded 2016 photo album
Hoping your Thanksgiving meal is nearly this much fun....
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